Most common first name in the world

Most common first name in the world

If you think about the most common name in the world, you may be right, and it is sure that it will sound like you. If you Google it, they will tell you that Mohamed, in his different versions, and we are going to follow this idea, but we want to warn you that this has been the case since 2013, and it may be that something has changed since then, although the statistics have not yet collected it.

What we do have are most up-to-date data of the most popular boy and girl names in Spain and we are also going to tell you. As you can see, choosing a name is not something that is done lightly, many traditions give fundamental importance to the way in which that new baby is going to be named.

The most popular name around the world

Most common first name in the world

Yes, as we have said before, Mohamed is the most popular name in the whole world. And this includes the various variants that it has in countries with a Muslim majority. Thus in Pakistan and Bangladesh they say Muhammad, Mehmet in Turkey, Mohammad in Iran, Mamadou in sub-Saharan Africa.

The fact that this is the most common throughout Europe has to do with the high number of Muslim emigrants what's up. As of January 2020, Mohamed is the most common name for newborns according to which departments in France, and the sixth name in the United Kingdom.

It is estimated that worldwide there are 150 million people named MohamedDo you know someone at home with this name? Almost certainly yes. The meaning of this name is: the one who deserves to be praised.

Contradicting what we have said above

Most common first name in the world

In 2015, the expert Laura Wattenberg carried out a scientific study that compares the statistics from 49 countries to determine the most popular name on the planet. And according to this study, it was not Mohamed, as we believed, or Maria, which is a very common name, but Sofia.

This study was carried out for the website, and in the image above you can see the ranking that occupies the name of Sofia. Wattenberg explains that for this study only one of the variants of the name has been counted, for each country. For example, if in Spain a mother names her daughter Sofia, and another Sophie, only the first one is counted in statistics, which is how it is said in Spanish.

The name has been counted in the variants of the 22 different languages ​​of the countries studied. In 9 of them it is in the first position, and in others, such as Spain, it is not far from the top positions. Countries as populated as Brazil, China and India have not been included in this study and therefore It cannot be said that it is the most common name in the world.

Most common first name in the world

Well this year in May the National Institute of Statistics (INE) published the list of the most common names in Spain. And the first positions are invariable, the first ones continue to be Antonio and María Carmen, who are the most frequent names, on average, in the country. Antonio is the most used in 15 of the Spanish provinces and María Carmen sweeps 32.

But there are curious facts, and it is that among the 20 most common names in our country, there are eight different combinations of Maria next to a middle name. Antonio shares the podium with Manuel and José, in second and third position respectively.

Another fact to take into account is that, for example, 3-letter names are gaining ground since the beginning of the XNUMXst century. The most common for girls are: Ana, Eva, Noa, Mar, and in boys: Pau, Jon, Pol, Leo and Jan. Hopefully this article has made the choice of your child's name somewhat clearer. If you need more help you can consult this article about the unisex Greek names.

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