Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:34 pm

Hi all,

this morning I tested with an asda cheap test and within 2 mins there was clearly a faint line (the correct colour/shape/thickness). I splashed out on a clearblue this afternoon to see how many weeks it would indicate because I thought it was a done deal but I got a BFN????[smilie=022.gif]

Does anyone know what this means or have you had this before?

Could the Clearblue have shown a negative because I tested later in the day?

I would really appreciate some advice as i am FREAKING OUT!

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Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:39 pm

ur pee will have less hormones in it by the afternoon and cos the asda one was used with a fmu its much stronger i would test again in the morning but wouldnt worry to much as ive has to different brands of test came up one neg and one postive using th esame sample some tests are more sentive that others and clearblue aint all that sensitive

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:40 pm

i did the same thing but with different tests! try again tomorrow morning sounds positive to me! i think the hcg hormone dilutes during the day thats why they say use first morning wee!
let us know how you get on

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

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Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:40 pm

Hi Sarah - when you had two different results did they end up BFP or BFN?

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:43 pm

or Emma? (thanks for the replies).

Is it more likely to be a false positive or false negative?

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 3:51 pm

apparently false positives are extremely rare. and as you can see from my ticker it was positive for me even tho two said negative! x

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 4:00 pm

I guess I am just going to have to test again tomorrow morning. It's going to be a LONG night!

It was horrible to see 'NOT PREGNANT' written on the clearblue - I'll just have to hope that it was wrong this tim!

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


28/12/2009 at 4:04 pm

Hi Sarah - when you had two different results did they end up BFP or BFN?

bfp hun im currently 7ish weeks  i never got a dark line either always a faint well for the 10ish days of testing  so have had it comfirmed by bloods too

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


29/12/2009 at 11:06 am

I have done an asda test and a clearblue this morning and both BFN

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

I know I really want this but I wasn't seeing things - I am 100% sure that there was a faint but defined line yesterday.

Do you think it is worth me booking an appointment with my doctor and explaining what is going on? Could I ask for a blood test? I just want to know for sure as it is my birthday on Friday and this would be the BEST present ever!

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

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Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


29/12/2009 at 11:29 am

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


29/12/2009 at 7:34 pm

Thanks for the link. I am going crazy now. Luckily have got an appointment with my GP tomorrow and will be requesting a blood test.

I am also going to test again tomorrow morning before I go so that I can give them a bit more info.

I fear I may be one of the unlucky types who produce a false BFP[smilie=013.gif]

I wouldn't be convinced except that I was walking past Starbucks today (usually one of my favourite smells!) and I was in serious danger of vomiting in front of a packed town centre. ALSO the first day of my last AF was 1st Novemeber - I am not usually regular but this is VERY late.

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


29/12/2009 at 8:49 pm

just explain to gp that uhave had both negative and positive test adn could they confirm one way or another by doing bloods

do u stillhave the pos test??? could u post a pic ????

with my 2nd daughter i was nearly 2 weeks later b4 i even got a darkish line on a branded test

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


29/12/2009 at 9:09 pm

This is going to sound ridiculous but I can't figure out how to post a pic - the little button for it requests a URL but doesn't that have to be from a website?

I took a pic of it to show my husband so I was going to take my camera to the docs?

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

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Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


30/12/2009 at 9:23 am

Ah ha... the plot thickens...

I took a test first thing this morning and I can defo see the faintest of faint lines!

What are the odds of 2 false BFP?

Positive pregnancy test this morning negative tonight


30/12/2009 at 9:28 am

id say 2 false postives are v v unlikely,good luck xx

Can you get a positive pregnancy test in the morning and negative in the evening?

If you do decide to take an at-home pregnancy test at night, it's important to keep in mind that many factors can impact the results. A negative test at night might be followed by a positive test in the morning.

Why is my pregnancy test positive in the morning and negative in the afternoon?

HCG is at its highest level in the morning when urine is fresh and not diluted by the liquid you drink during the day. If you test in the afternoon, your urine may not have enough HCG to detect.

Why did I get a positive pregnancy test and then a negative?

This is because hCG levels rise rapidly in the first few days after implantation. It's also possible to get a positive test result followed by a negative result. If you use two different pregnancy tests, this could be the result of varying test sensitivity. Wait a few days and test again.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test one day and negative the next?

One explanation for a false negative pregnancy test is what's called the hook effect. It's not common but sometimes this effect leads to urine and blood tests giving the wrong result. This error might happen even after you've had one positive pregnancy test and test again a couple days later.