Principal software engineer vs senior software engineer

Principal software engineers oversee the technical aspects of projects, providing software standards and guidance for engineering teams to follow. This role ensures the quality of each project while helping teams meet deadlines, keeping a company’s technical debt in check. A principal software engineer also assists with testing products, troubleshooting issues and performing other specific tasks. With their expertise, principal software engineers can make recommendations to enhance their employers’ technologies and processes. 

How do you become a principal software engineer?

  • Principal software engineer roles require a four-year degree and at least 10 years of work experience.

Aspiring principal software engineers need to reinforce their passions with extensive training. Majors like computer science and engineering provide necessary training in essential programming languages like C++, Java and HTML. These skills create a foundation that students can apply to entry-level software roles. 

Many principal software engineers begin their careers working as entry-level software engineers for several years before moving up to senior software engineer roles. Serving in this position for five to six years allows leaders to become familiar with managing engineers and encouraging individuals to work as a team. With a combined 10 years of relevant on-the-job experience, candidates can prepare themselves for a principal software engineer position. 

What skills does a principal software engineer need?

  • Principal software engineers should display programming and software experience, analytical thinking and some business acumen.

To excel as principal software engineers, professionals must master crucial software knowledge. This role must often help with writing code, debugging issues and making adjustments. Not only does software expertise come into play here, but analytical thinking also enables principal software engineers to spot errors and present proper solutions. As a result, software and analytical expertise are key demands of the position. 

While principal software engineers jump into individual projects, they are still leaders of their engineering teams. This reality means these professionals should also be looking for ways to optimize their teams’ processes by recommending tech upgrades to company leaders. A degree of business acumen is an excellent complement to technical knowledge that establishes principal software engineers as multi-faceted leaders within their companies. 

What is the salary of a principal software engineer?

  • According to the Built In salary calculator, principal software engineers in the U.S. make an average base salary of $163,658.

High-performing employees can achieve an additional cash compensation of $54,464, elevating their total compensation to $218,122. Principal software engineers can continue to extend their salary range as crucial leaders, earning as much as $375K later in their careers. 

"So all things being equal" They're not. These titles are not equivalent.

I would rank them like this, highest to lowest:

  • Principal Engineer
  • Senior Staff Engineer
  • Staff Engineer
  • Senior Engineer / Senior Research Engineer

In general, "senior" implies depth of experience and maturity to work independently with less direct guidance in day to day activities. An engineer can expect to receive assignments or tasks and external prioritization. A Senior Engineer should expect to identify and prioritize such tasks for themselves.

A Senior Engineer is typically someone with deep knowledge of a technology or product line and experience with multiple release cycles.

A Senior Research Engineer sounds like someone who is not as involved in production cycles but is more focused on algorithms or long term strategic work.

"Member of the Technical Staff" does not imply any seniority or programming experience. A receptionist can be a Member of the Technical Staff.

A Staff Engineer typically has deep experience with and contributes to multiple technologies and product lines across a company.

A Senior Staff Engineer does all the staff engineer stuff, plus works more in a leadership role across multiple product lines or technologies. Senior staff should also be thinking ahead for strategic planning and execution.

A Principal Engineer is often the top of the technical ladder in many companies, or just short of "Technical Fellow" or "Chief Scientist". Principals are also called architects in various fashions. Principal Engineers are responsible for macro scale architecture of a software technology or product line, and providing guidance and oversight to multiple development teams working on different products or technologies to ensure that the technologies interoperate or connect to each other appropriately.

These are my opinions not as an HR manager but as an engineer who as worked in (and helped define) all of these roles.

Is principal engineer higher than senior engineer?

Hierarchy. Principal engineers are higher-level positions compared to senior engineers. The common hierarchy for these jobs from lowest to highest is: Staff engineer.

Is principal software engineer higher than senior software engineer?

A principal software engineer ranks higher than a senior software engineer and usually has more years of experience and expertise in the field. A principal software engineer is more of a managerial position, and the latter is mainly a technical one, usually without any managerial responsibilities.

Is senior higher than principal?

Yes, "principal" is higher than "senior" for engineers. Both types of engineers are leaders, but senior engineers often manage one project or department, whereas principal engineers tend to manage larger groups of engineers across labs and projects.

Is principal the same as senior?

The principal position is equivalent to a group (or senior) manager if you are on a managerial career path. Naturally, the next step for a principle IC is director (or VP) equivalent, often accompanied by the title “distinguished” (or “fellow”) in the IC ladders.