Resignation letter for transfer within the same company sample

What Is a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter is used to resign from a professional position. If you are planning to quit your job, it's important to provide a resignation letter to your employer to maintain the professional relationship as well as to create a paper trail that documents your planned departure and timeline. Using sample resignation letters will make it easier to create this document for your employer.

Resignation Letter Samples

Depending on the nature of your position and your relationship with your employer, your letter may vary. However, all letters should include your name and contact information, the date, and the name of the person to whom you are addressing the letter, which will typically be your direct supervisor, along with their contact information.

Basic Resignation Letter Sample

Dear [Name],

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [position title] for [employer name], effective [date]. I appreciate the opportunities for professional and personal development that I have received in this role. I have enjoyed working for the company and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure. If I can provide any assistance during this transition, please let me know.


[Your Name]

Signature (if delivering hard copy letter)

Formal Resignation Letter Sample

Dear [Name],

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [title] for [company name]. This resignation is effective as of [date].

I wish to express my appreciation for the support I have received as well as the opportunities I have enjoyed during the years I have worked for [company name]. I have truly enjoyed my tenure with [company name] and am extremely grateful for the encouragement you have given me as I have pursued my professional and personal growth objectives.

In order to make the transition as seamless as possible, I am available to provide any assistance in passing my responsibilities on to my successor.


[Your Name]

Signature (if delivering hard copy letter)

Email Resignation Sample

Dear [Name]:

Please accept this message as notification that I will be leaving my position with [company name], effective [date].

Through the years I have worked for [company name], I have appreciated your support and professional guidance. I wish both you and the company success in the future.

If I can provide any assistance during this transitional period, please let me know. I will be happy to do so. Please keep me informed regarding my accrued vacation leave, final work schedule, and benefits.

You can also reach me through my personal email or phone at [email address] or [personal phone number].


[Your Name]

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Effective Immediately/Short or No Notice Resignation Letter Sample

Dear [Name]:

Please accept this letter as notification that I am resigning from my position as [position name] at [company name], effective tomorrow [date]. I apologize that I am not able to provide more notice. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, I must resign from my position immediately.

I want to express my appreciation for the support that you have provided me during my time with [company name]. Please forward my last paycheck to the address listed above. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


[Your Name]

Signature (if delivering hard copy letter)

Resignation Letter With a Reason Sample

Dear [Name],

The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from [company name], effective two weeks from today, [date].

I want you to know that this was not an easy decision to make, as the past [number of years in your position] have been rewarding for me, both personally and professionally. I have learned a lot in my role and have enjoyed observing [highlight key aspects of what you've learned/observed in your role].

I have made this decision due to my acceptance of a position as [position title] at [company name]. This opportunity allows my family to relocate to an area that is closer to our families, and it will afford me professional growth. I wish you and the company all the best. I hope to cross paths with you again in the future.


[Your Name]

Signature (if delivering hard copy letter)

Job-Specific Resignation Letter Sample (Nursing)

Dear [Name]:

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the position of [position title] at the [company name]. My last day of work will be [date].

Working at [company name] has been rewarding in many ways, and I wish nothing but the best for all the patients and staff at this facility. Please let me know if I can assist in the transitional period.

Respectfully yours,

[Your Name]

Signature (if delivering hard copy letter)

View additional samples of resignation letters

What To Include in a Resignation Letter

Image via Unsplash by christinhumephoto

In most cases, a resignation letter should be simple. It's helpful to include:

  • Your position title.
  • Your last day with the company. (Preferably, this day should be at least two weeks away.)
  • Your appreciation for the opportunities afforded in your role.

You may also choose to include other elements, such as the reason for leaving, if applicable. For example, if you are relocating, including this as the reason for resigning might help your employer gain a better understanding of your long-term goals and where you want to live.

Many employees highlight their willingness to assist during the transitional period in their resignation letter. This assistance may come in the form of training a replacement — if the company can get someone hired before your final day — or providing written materials that will help your replacement take over the responsibilities as seamlessly as possible. You don't have to commit to anything too drastic in this letter, such as delaying your last day or helping to find or hire a replacement. By including this statement, you are showing that you're willing to support the company until the end.

You might also choose to draft a letter that bids farewell to your coworkers or team members. This letter is different from a resignation letter in that you are not informing your team of your decision to resign with details around the resignation, but rather expressing appreciation for them and telling them goodbye.

Here are additional tips to write a resignation letter.

What To Leave Out of a Resignation Letter

No matter the terms of your resignation or the reason behind your departure, your resignation letter should be positive and professional. Many employers keep employees' resignation letters in their HR or personnel files and can refer to these letters if they receive requests for references or other information in the future. A critical, negative, or poorly written letter can reflect negatively on you and could even impact the reference provided by your former employer.

You should avoid including any issues you experienced during your time with the company. Leave out criticism of your coworkers, supervisors, or the company as a whole, and keep it as positive as possible.

Here are some more tips for writing the perfect resignation letter.

When To Provide a Resignation Letter

The recommended timeline for providing a resignation letter is at least two weeks prior to your planned last day. Some employees have contracts that specify the terms of departure, so be sure to follow any timeline outlined in your contract, if applicable. Here is some additional information about breaching a contract.

You may choose to provide even more notice, but it's always best to provide at least two weeks, as this is a professional courtesy that affords the employer time to find a replacement. Since you may need to use this employer as a reference in the future, maintaining that professional relationship and providing enough notice can benefit you.

When you're ready to move on to a new opportunity, use this guide to write a professional and positive resignation letter that keeps you on good terms with your employer while providing the information needed.

How do you write a resignation letter when transferring departments?

I'm writing to inform you that my last day at this branch is [date for last day of employment]. I'm transferring to [branch name] to fill a [new position]. [One to two optional sentences detailing why you're leaving the role]. [One to two optional sentences describing plans for the future].

How do I resign from internal transfer?

A formal letter of resignation can aid that transition. The letter should include the details of your transfer such as the date of departure, what pending projects will need to be handed over to another staff member and a contact number at your new position.

How do you write an internal transfer letter?

How to Write a Transfer Request Letter.
Be Professional. ... .
Say Thank You. ... .
Include Your Resume. ... .
Use Sample Letters to Guide Your Writing. ... .
Edit and Proofread Before Sending. ... .
Don't Be Too Casual. ... .
Choose an Appropriate Subject Line. ... .
Include Your Contact Information in Your Signature..

How do I tell my boss I want to transfer?

How to Tell Your Boss You Want to Transfer.
Ask Your Potential Boss to Speak With You After Work. Your current boss should not be asked to share your time with a boss from another department. ... .
Be Honest With Your Concerns About Transferring. ... .
Get Your Story Down and Let the Boss Know. ... .
Important Final Note..


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