Simplify the expression using the order of operations calculator

Enter an expression


Order of Operations Calculator is a free online tool that displays the simplification of the expression using the order of operations. BYJU’S online order of operations calculator tool makes the calculation faster, and it displays the simplified form of an expression in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Order of Operations Calculator?

The procedure to use the order of operations calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the expression in the respective input field

Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the simplified answer

Step 3: Finally, the simplified form of an expression using the order of operation will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by Order of Operations?

In mathematics, the order of operations is used to simplify the expressions. An expression is a mathematical statement that contains variables, constants, coefficients, exponents which are connected using the mathematical operators, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The expression can be classified into different types, such as arithmetic expression, algebraic expression, and fractional expression. The expression can be simplified using BODMAS Rule, which defines the order of operations. BODMAS means Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.

Enter Order of Operations Expression:

Using the order of operations (PEMDAS), simplify .

Define the Order of Operations (PEMDAS):

PEMDAS tells you what order to evaluate the operations in
P = Parentheses ()
E = Exponents (^)
M = Multiplication (*)
D = Division (÷)
A = Addition (+)
S = Subtraction (-)

The P in PEMDAS stands for Parentheses

There are 0 parentheses sets in
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS

The E in PEMDAS stands for Exponent

There are 0 exponent term(s) in
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS

The M in PEMDAS stands for Multiply

There are 0 multiplication signs in
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS

The D in PEMDAS stands for Divide

There are 0 division signs in
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS

The AS in PEMDAS stands for Add and Subtract (left to right)

There are 0 addition and subtraction signs in
We move to our next letter in PEMDAS

How does the Order of Operations Calculator work?

Evaluates an expression using the order of operations, or PEMDAS or PEDMAS or BEDMAS.

What formulas are used for Order of Operations?


What 9 concepts are covered in the Order of Operations Calculator?

AdditionDivisionExponentsMultiplicationParenthesesSubtractionevaluateexpressionfinite combination of symbolsoperationA math process

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Enter the math expression to solve according to the correct order using the PEMDAS calculator.

The PEMDAS calculator is an online solver of equations involving basic math operations. Also known as the math order of operations calculator, this tool executes the correct sequence to solve the equation. 

It comes with a math keyboard that involves all primary operations e.g addition, division, pie, radical e.t.c. Users can see all the fundamental steps of the solving process as well. 

What is the PEMDAS?

It is the order or arrangement of solving the math operations present in an expression. If the PEMDAS method is not applied, the result of the solved equation will be incorrect.

The order is easy to memorize due to the name PEMDAS itself. Each letter of the name is the initial of an operation. These operations are;

  1. P for Parentheses ()
  2. E for Exponents ^
  3. M for Multiplication * 
  4. D for Division /
  5. A for Addition +
  6. S for subtraction -

Another famous name for PEMDAS is BODMAS where B is for brackets and O is for orders.

Rules of PEMDAS

These 6 operations are solved in the sequence their initials come in the name. This sequence is; 

  1. If some part of the expression is in the parentheses, you will solve it first.
  2. The exponents present in the equation are next in the line.
  3. After this, both multiplication and division are solved. The order doesn’t matter. They can be solved side by side or one by one. 
  4. In the very end come the addition and subtraction. Same as last, the order does not matter between these two. 

How do you use PEMDAS?

The sequence is explained above. You simply identify the operation in the question and execute the operations in the correct order. 

PEMDAS technique is used everywhere. Without it, you will not get an accurate answer. This makes it absolutely necessary. To save time, you can use the PEMDAS math calculator.

See the solved example of PEMDAS below.


Solve the following expression in the correct order.

2 * 20/2 + (3+4) * 3^2 -6 + 15


Step 1:Solve the parentheses first.

= 2 * 20/2 + (3+4) * 3^2 - 6 + 15 

= 2 * 20/2 + (7) * 3^2 - 6 + 15

Step 2:Evaluate the exponent next.

= 2 * 20/2 + 7 * 3^2 - 6 + 15

= 2 * 20/2 + 7 * 9 - 6 + 15

Step 3: Do the multiplication and then division.

= 2 * 20/2 + 7 * 9 - 6 + 15

= 40/2 + 63 - 6 + 15

Now division.

= 40/2 + 63 - 6 + 15

= 20 + 63 - 6 + 15

Step 4: Lastly, solve the addition and subtraction.

= 20 + 63 - 6 + 15

= 83 - 6 + 15

= 77 + 15

= 92

This is the right answer. Also, try the equation solver to solve equations and the expressions involving variables.

How do you simplify order of operations?

When simplifying, do all expressions inside parentheses first, then all exponents, then all multiplication and division operations from left to right, and finally all addition and subtraction operations from left to right.

Can calculator do order of operations?

If your calculator is NOT a scientific calculator it does NOT follow order of operations and calculates the result in the order in which the entries were made. In this case, you will not get a correct answer so you will have to adjust how you enter the values. To see if your has algebraic logic enter 2 + 3 x 4.

What are the 5 steps of the order of operations?

The order of operations is a rule that tells the correct sequence of steps for evaluating a math expression. We can remember the order using PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). Created by Sal Khan.

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