State behavioral boards regulate counselors through licensure

Additional Information on the Licensed Professional Counselor Compact

The Counseling Compact offers eligible licensed professional counselors a new method for providing services in other member states. If you are interested in learning more about the Counseling Compact, please use this link

Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - November 4, 2022

The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners will hold a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to provide testimony before the Board considers adopting multiple proposed new and revised rules to implement Colorado Senate Bill 22-116 (Concerning the ability of an individual to obtain an occupational credential through the occupational credential portability program); Colorado House Bill 22-1284 (Concerning updates to state surprise billing laws to facilitate the implementation of surprise billing protections, and aligning state law with the federal "No Surprises Act"); Executive Order D 2022-032 (Directing State Agencies to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care in Colorado); and Executive Order D 2022-034 (Protecting Colorado’s Workforce and Expanding Licensing Opportunities). 

  • Friday, November 4, 2022, at 9:30 A.M. (MDT)
  • Webinar Registration 
  • Sign up to Testify
  • Notice, Draft Rules, SB22-116, HB22-1284, EO D 2022-032, and EO D 2022-034 
  • Written Stakeholder Comments
  • (HB22-1284) Joint Stakeholder Meeting: August 12, 2022
  • (EO D 2022-034) Joint Stakeholder Meeting: July 29, 2022
  • (EO D 2022-032) Joint Stakeholder Meeting: July 22, 2022
  • (SB22-116) Joint Stakeholder Meeting: June 10, 2022

Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - September 10, 2021

The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners held a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing on September 10, 2021, that allowed stakeholders a final opportunity to provide feedback before the Board considered adopting revisions to Rule 1.8(B), to implement Colorado Senate Bill 21-077 (Concerning the elimination of verification of an individual's lawful presence in the United States as a requirement for individual credentialing).

  • Notice, Draft Rule, SB21-077, and Written Comments 
  • Joint SB21-077 Stakeholder Meeting (recording): July 26, 2021
  • Effective Date: October 30, 2021

Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - July 9, 2021

The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners held a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing on July 9, 2021, that allowed stakeholders a final opportunity to provide feedback before the Board considered adopting revisions to Rules 1.12, 1.23, and Appendix A to correct language in the rules that conflicted with portions of the statutes in Colorado House Bill 20-1326 (Concerning an expansion of an individual's ability to practice an occupation in Colorado through creation of an occupational credential portability program), and Colorado Senate Bill 20-102 (Concerning required disclosures to patients regarding formal actions based on sexual misconduct).

  • Notice, Draft Rules, HB20-1326, and SB20-120 
  • Joint SB20-102 Stakeholder Meeting (recording): February 11, 2021
  • Effective Date: August 30, 2021

Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - March 5, 2021

The State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners will hold a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing to consider adopting revisions to Rule 1.6(A), to implement Colorado House Bill 19-1129, which prohibits mental health care providers from engaging in conversion therapy with patients under eighteen years of age.

  • Notice, Draft Rule, and HB 19-1129
  • January 28, 2021: Stakeholder Meeting Recording
  • December 3, 2020: Joint Stakeholder Meeting Recording 

An Important Message about LPC Licensing and Regulation

The July 14, 2020 signing into law of House Bill 20-1206, Sunset Mental Health Professionals has prompted changes affecting the licensure requirements for professional counselors in Colorado. The new law requires that the supervised postgraduate practice in professional counseling include at least 2,000 hours of professional counseling, 1,500 hours of which must be face-to-face, direct client contact under clinical supervision.  

In addition, HB 20-1206 modifies the requirements for a licensed professional counselor to serve as a supervisor for another mental health professional to include education and training as determined by the Board. 

The Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners is working diligently to implement these specific changes as well as the remainder of the Mental Health Sunset bill, HB20-1206.   As rules are being promulgated, the Board will continue to process applications for licensure as a professional counselor under the previous requirements.  Those persons who began supervised postgraduate practice before July 14, 2020, may continue completing the previous supervised practice requirements as the Board completes the rules.  

The new requirements for Licensed Professional Counselors supervisors are currently slated to become effective upon renewal in August 2021, and current supervisors who meet the requirements of Board Rule 1.14 may continue supervision in the interim.

Please review the Revised Proposed Draft Rules

Visit the Colorado State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners website for the latest information, as it becomes available. Questions may be referred to and written feedback on the proposed rules may be submitted to . 

What is the purpose of the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners?

To establish and maintain standards of qualifications and performance for licensed behavioral health professionals in the fields of counseling, marriage and family therapy, social work and substance abuse counseling and to regulate the practice of licensed behavioral health professionals for protection of the public.

What licenses does your behavioral health board cover for counseling in Arizona?

The Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (AZBBHE) issues the credential you must obtain if you want to engage in counseling as an independent practitioner anywhere throughout the state: the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). ... .
The LAC and LPC licenses expire every two years..

Who governs LPC in Texas?

Welcome to the home page of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, the state board that licenses and regulates Licensed Professional Counselors in Texas.

Is Counselling regulated in the US?

Each state has established a board responsible for issuing licenses, handling consumer and ethical complaints regarding counselors' practice, and issuing and enforcing such regulations as are necessary in overseeing the profession.


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