This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

A lot of people use Facebook Messenger to communicate with one another through texting or phone calls.

If you are trying to reach out to a person and they are unavailable on Messenger, it can be frustrating.

Here is a complete guide to help you understand the reasons and fixes behind “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger.”

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

The error, “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger,” could be because one person has been blocked by the other person.

If that isn’t the case, then there can be a myriad of other reasons this message is showing up.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not have a way for you to contact them directly.

Instead, you will have to rely on the support center and wait for an answer.

If you can’t wait, then you can try to fix the issue on your own.

1. Deactivation Of Account

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

One of the top reasons you see “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” is that the person has deactivated their account.

If someone deactivates their Facebook account, you can’t use Messenger to get in touch with them, no matter how hard you try.

You can also double-check if the person has deactivated their account.

One of the best ways to do this is to ask a friend or family member to search for the same person.

If they also can’t see the profile, it means the individual has deactivated the account.

There is not much you can do about this except wait for the person to activate their Facebook again.

2. The Person Blocked You

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Being blocked by someone is not a good feeling, but this is another top reason you might be seeing this message.

When someone blocks you, you cannot really do anything about it.

Facebook Messenger will show this message, and you will not be able to send them messages.

The first thing you must do is ensure that you have not unintentionally or accidentally blocked the account.

You can do this on your desktop by following these steps:

  1. On your Facebook home page, click the menu arrow (downwards pointing).
  2. Go to Settings and Privacy.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Go to your Blocked users, and you will see the list of people you have blocked.

It can also be the other way around, and the person has blocked you.

Here are a few signs that will help you figure out if someone has blocked you on their Facebook account:

  • You can see posts or profile picture.
  • You can’t invite them to a group.
  • You can’t message them.
  • They are not on your friend list anymore.
  • You aren’t able to see their name while searching for the profile.

If the person has blocked you, then you can contact them through other means and ask them to unblock you.

Other than this step, you can’t do much when someone has blocked you.

3. Facebook Suspended Their Account

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Facebook does have the power to suspend anyone’s account.

The platform does not do this for no reason, and it usually happens if an account has violated Facebook guidelines.

If someone does not follow the Terms of Service or violates community guidelines, Facebook temporarily suspends their account.

This is mostly true for businesses that violate guidelines, but it can also happen with individuals who promote things that Facebook does not like, such as hate speech.

You can contact the individual or business in another way to see if they respond.

4. The Account Is Deleted

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Sometimes people delete their own Facebook accounts, while other times, Facebook permanently deletes their accounts.

Facebook will usually permanently delete someone’s account if they have violated an important guideline or if their account is being reported by many people.

In any case, the profile will be deleted, and you will see this message on Facebook Messenger.

You can check if their profile has been deleted by searching for their profile through the search bar.

If you can’t see the name, it means their account is deleted.

You also won’t be able to see their posts, comments, and likes anymore as the account has been deleted permanently from the platform.

5. The Profile Is Private

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

If you are trying to contact someone you are not friends with, and this message shows up, it means their profile is private.

Many people don’t allow random strangers to send messages to them as they have a private profile.

Because of this, you will have to send a message and wait for them to accept the request so you can contact them.

In this scenario, you can’t do much but wait for the person to check their Other Messages folder and accept your request.

Once they accept it, only then can you begin talking to them.

Always check the profile status of someone before you decide to message them.

6. Messenger Is Not Working Properly

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Social media platforms don’t work well 100% of the time.

Sometimes, the servers crash or they go through a downtime, at which time, you can’t use the service.

If that happens, you will see this message on your Facebook Messenger.

In this situation, you will have to wait for Facebook to fix the bug so that you can resume using Messenger again.

You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Messenger app to see if that works for you.

In most cases, you will have to wait for the platform to resolve this issue, and you can go back to using Messenger again in no time.

This Person Is Unavailable On Messenger (10 Fixes)

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Now that you know the top causes of seeing “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger,” let us find out how to fix this issue.

No one fix will solve the issue within minutes.

You will have to try a few things and see which one works best for you.

Here are the top fixes you can implement to resolve the issue of seeing the message, “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger.”

1. Update Your Facebook Messenger Application

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

It is important to update all your applications so that they can function properly when you are using them.

That is why you must verify that you are using the latest version of Facebook Messenger on your device.

If you are using an iOS device, you can go to the App Store and update the app from there.

If you are using an Android device, you can open the Google Play store and update to the latest version.

Once you have updated the application, the message will not show up anymore.

If the message is still showing up, it means that you need to try other methods to resolve this issue.

2. Clear Your Browsing Data

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

When the browser has too much data, it can interfere with the applications you are using.

Sometimes, the message, “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger,” can appear because there are some temporary files that Messenger has accumulated on your browser.

You must clear your browsing data, such as cache and cookies, to begin using Messenger again.

Here are the steps you can follow to clear your browsing data within seconds.

  1. Open your Android device.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Search App Management.
  4. Click Facebook Messenger.
  5. Click Storage.
  6. Select Clear Cache and Clear Data.

Following these steps will clear your data immediately.

You can also follow similar steps if you are using an iOS device.

Sometimes, clearing browsing data might not always solve your issues.

If the problem persists, keep reading.

3. Check The Internet Connection

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

If your internet connection is unstable, you might see a “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

An internet connection can malfunction and work slowly, which can lead to data loading issues.

You can check your internet connection by taking any speed test to see your internet performance.

If you are using the WiFi network, you can switch to your mobile data to check if Facebook Messenger is working.

If the error is still showing on data as well, then it means you can’t do much but try the other methods.

The problem will only fix depending on the issue you are facing.

4. Check The Account Status Of The Person

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

You can check the account status of the individual to see if they are active on the social media platform or not.

Sometimes, people intentionally deactivate their accounts or delete them permanently.

You can search for their profile to check their account status by putting in their email address or name.

If the person’s name still appears, it means that their account is active.

If this doesn’t work, you can also check their account status through a mutual friend.

You can send a message from your mutual friend’s account.

When you do, you can see if the error is also showing up for the mutual friend or not.

If you receive the same message from a mutual friend’s account, it probably means that their account is not active.

You will have to find another way to contact them.

5. Switch To The Web Version Of Messenger

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Usually, people use the Messenger app to communicate with friends and family.

If you are seeing the message, “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger,” on the app, try switching to the web version to see if the issue persists.

Sometimes, the applications have minor bugs that can be the reason for displaying error messages.

Open Facebook Messenger on the web and try sending messages to the person from there.

If you are not experiencing an issue through the web version, it means your app has some bug or glitch.

You can simply uninstall Messenger and reinstall it to see if the error persists.

6. Check Facebook Memories

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Many people are not familiar with this feature, but you can check the account status of a person through Facebook memories.

These memories allow you to find the likes and comments that the person has made through their account.

Go to your Facebook memories and find the person.

If the user name is blue or you can click on it, and it takes you to the profile of the user, it means they have not blocked you.

If the user name is black and you can’t click on the profile, it means that the person has blocked your account or they deleted their account.

Here are the steps you can follow on your phone to check your Facebook memories:

  1. Open the Facebook application.
  2. Go to the Facebook search and search for memories.
  3. Tap memories and look for the person.

If you want to check the memories on your PC, you can go to the sidebar of your Facebook Home Page.

After that, you can go under the Explore option and click “See More.”

Once you scroll all the way down, you will be able to click on Memories and explore them.

7. Check If The Account Was Deleted Or Deactivated

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

“This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error can also mean that the account was deactivated or deleted.

There is also a high chance that Facebook probably marked the account fake and banned it.

That is why you are seeing this message on your Facebook Messenger account.

There are high chances that Facebook deleted the account of the user as they might have violated important Facebook terms and conditions.

These can include posting violent content, spamming, posting adult content, and more.

If many people have also reported the account, even then, Facebook will ban it permanently.

You can check your friend list to see if the user is available or not.

You can search their email or user name to find out if they are active or not.

If you find the person you are looking for, it means that the account has not been deactivated or deleted.

If you are close friends with the user, you can contact them directly to ask about their account status.

You can also ask a mutual friend to check if the account exists on their friend list.

If the user is visible through the mutual friend’s account and not yours, then it means that the user has blocked you.

If your mutual friend is also having trouble finding the account, then it means that the user deleted or deactivated their account.

Understanding the account status is crucial because it will help you determine the reason behind the error and what you can do to fix it.

8. Verify That You Have Not Blocked The User Unintentionally

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Sometimes you can block a user without realizing it.

If that happens, then you will encounter the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

That is why you should double-check to see if you have accidentally blocked the user.

You can check by following these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app.
  2. Go to the chat with the individual.
  3. Click on the chat name.
  4. You will be taken to the chat control menu of the user.
  5. Scroll to the bottom.
  6. Check the privacy and support section.

Once you are at the privacy and support section and there is an unblock option, then it means you have blocked the user.

If there is a block option, then it means you have not blocked the user unintentionally.

You can leave this setting as it is, as you don’t want to block the user.

9. Opt For Facebook Lite

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

Opting for Facebook Lite can be your last resort when nothing else seems to work for the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

If you don’t know already, Facebook Lite has all the essential features that allow you to surf Facebook.

Even the Lite version has Messenger, which is why you will not have to download the additional app to talk to people.

All you have to do is install the Facebook Lite application on your phone and see if you are still getting the same notice as you are on Messenger.

If you can send a message from this app to the user, then it means your Facebook Messenger app has some issue that you must fix.

You can go on your phone later to the regular app and try to clear the app data and cache.

10. Contact The Facebook Support Team

This person is unavailable on messenger but can see profile picture

If you have exhausted all other methods and the person has not deactivated or deleted their account and they have not blocked you, then it is time to contact Facebook.

You can seek help from their support center, and the team will sort out your issue.

Remember that this will take time because Facebook has many complaints in one day that they try to resolve.

You will have to create a complaint and wait for them to respond.

Once they do, you can follow their guidelines and see if the issue resolves for you

If they don’t respond, you can’t do much but try to find the reason behind this issue and solve it.


That was your complete guide to understanding the causes and fixes for the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

You might see this error for many reasons, such as account blocking, deactivation, etc.

It is to understand the reason behind this error and then try to solve the issue accordingly.

If nothing works, you can contact Facebook and wait for their response.

The Facebook team will guide you better on what the problem is and how you can resolve it.

You can also try to find another way to contact the person if it is something urgent.

Why does Messenger say this person is unavailable on Messenger?

Your Friend Deactivated Their Messenger Account If you made sure you didn't block a friend you are trying to message, it might be that they simply deactivated their account for security reasons or personal reasons. If this is the case, you would receive the messenger error: “This person is unavailable on messenger”.

Am I blocked if it says this person is unavailable on Messenger?

If you see "This person is unavailable on Messenger" when trying to chat with someone, they might have blocked you. It could also mean that they've deactivated or deleted their Messenger account, or been banned. In some cases you might not see this error, and instead you'll just be told your messages can't be sent.

How do you know if someone deactivated Messenger?

Look for "This person is unavailable on Messenger" in the typing area. If you see this message in the area where you'd normally type a message, you are not blocked—the person has either deactivated their account, or the account was deleted by Facebook.