Total laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy procedure

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This is the case of a 71-year-old woman, p2+2 with two previous cesarean sections. She had postmenopausal bleeding and she was diagnosed with simple glandular endometrial hyperplasia with focal complex atypia as demonstrated on tissue biopsy. This video demonstrates the techniques of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy following standardized steps even in non-straightforward cases, i.e. previous cesarean sections, and especially with bladder dissection.


  • Gynecology
  • Uterus
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic
  • Hysterectomy
  • Total laparoscopic
  • Bilateral
  • Total laparoscopic hysterectomy

There are different types of hysterectomy. The operation you have will depend on the reason for surgery and how much of your womb and reproductive system can safely be left in place.

The main types of hysterectomy are described below.

Total hysterectomy

During a total hysterectomy, your womb and cervix (neck of the womb) is removed.

A total hysterectomy is usually the preferred option over a subtotal hysterectomy, as removing the cervix means there's no risk of you developing cervical cancer at a later date.

Subtotal hysterectomy

A subtotal hysterectomy involves removing the main body of the womb and leaving the cervix in place.

This procedure is not performed very often. If the cervix is left in place, there's still a risk of cervical cancer developing and regular cervical screening will still be needed.

Some women want to keep as much of their reproductive system as possible, including their cervix.

If you feel this way, talk to your surgeon about any risks associated with keeping your cervix.

Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

A total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a hysterectomy that also involves removing:

  • the fallopian tubes (salpingectomy)
  • the ovaries (oophorectomy)

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that the ovaries should only be removed if there's a significant risk of further problems – for example, if there's a family history of ovarian cancer.

Your surgeon can discuss the pros and cons of removing your ovaries with you.

Radical hysterectomy

A radical hysterectomy is usually carried out to remove and treat cancer when other treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are not suitable or have not worked.

During the procedure, the body of your womb and cervix is removed, along with:

  • your fallopian tubes
  • part of your vagina
  • ovaries
  • lymph glands
  • fatty tissue

Performing a hysterectomy

There are 3 ways a hysterectomy can be performed.

These are:

  • laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • vaginal hysterectomy
  • abdominal hysterectomy

Laparoscopic hysterectomy

Laparoscopic surgery is also known as keyhole surgery. It's the preferred way to remove the organs and surrounding tissues of the reproductive system.

During the procedure, a small tube containing a telescope (laparoscope) and a tiny video camera will be inserted through a small cut (incision) in your tummy.

This allows the surgeon to see your internal organs. Instruments are then inserted through other small incisions in your abdomen or vagina to remove your womb, cervix and any other parts of your reproductive system.

Laparoscopic hysterectomies are usually carried out under general anaesthetic.

Vaginal hysterectomy

During a vaginal hysterectomy, the womb and cervix are removed through an incision that's made in the top of the vagina.

Special surgical instruments are inserted into the vagina to detach the womb from the ligaments that hold it in place.

After the womb and cervix have been removed, the incision will be sewn up. The operation usually takes about an hour to complete.

A vaginal hysterectomy can either be carried out using:

  • general anaesthetic – where you'll be unconscious during the procedure
  • local anaesthetic – where you'll be awake, but will not feel any pain
  • spinal anaesthetic – where you'll be numb from the waist down

A vaginal hysterectomy is usually preferred over an abdominal hysterectomy as it's less invasive and involves a shorter stay in hospital. The recovery time also tends to be quicker.

Abdominal hysterectomy

During an abdominal hysterectomy, an incision will be made in your tummy (abdomen). It'll either be made horizontally along your bikini line, or vertically from your belly button to your bikini line.

A vertical incision will usually be used if there are large fibroids (non-cancerous growths) in your womb, or for some types of cancer.

After your womb has been removed, the incision is stitched up. The operation takes about an hour to perform and a general anaesthetic is used.

An abdominal hysterectomy may be recommended if your womb is enlarged by fibroids or pelvic tumours and it's not possible to remove it through your vagina.

It may also be recommended if your ovaries need to be removed.

Getting ready

If you need to have a hysterectomy, it's important to be as fit and healthy as possible.

Good health before your operation will reduce your risk of developing complications and speed up your recovery.

As soon as you know you're going to have a hysterectomy:

  • stop smoking
  • eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • exercise regularly
  • lose weight (if you're overweight)

You may need to have a pre-assessment appointment a few days before your operation.

This may involve having some blood tests and a general health check to ensure you're fit for surgery.

It's also a good opportunity to discuss any concerns and to ask questions.

Find out more about how to prepare for surgery

Page last reviewed: 01 February 2019
Next review due: 01 February 2022

What is the recovery time for a total laparoscopic hysterectomy?

You may take about 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover. It's important to avoid lifting while you are recovering so that you can heal.

How long does a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo

The procedure lasts one to three hours. The time can vary depending on the size of the uterus, and the need to take down scarring from previous surgeries, and if other tissue, such as endometrial tissue, and other organs are being removed with your uterus (like your fallopian tubes or ovaries).

Is a total laparoscopic hysterectomy a major surgery?

A hysterectomy is a major surgery to remove your uterus or womb. In a total hysterectomy, the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus near the vagina, is also removed.

What position are you in during a laparoscopic hysterectomy?

Patient positioning: The patient must be placed in lithotomy with the legs spread apart in little ventral flexion. This position allows lateral movement of the uterine manipulator. The buttocks should be placed slightly above the edge of the operating table and this position facilitates uterine manipulation.