What are the negative effects of birth control

Birth control pills may cause some unusual side effects, from vision problems to migraines. Here’s what to do if any of them affect you.

What are the negative effects of birth control

By Mikel TheobaldMedically Reviewed by Kacy Church, MD

November 2, 2017

Everyday Health Archive

Medically Reviewed

What are the negative effects of birth control

What are the negative effects of birth control

Get the facts about oral contraceptive side effects.Thinkstock

Weight gain, nausea, breast tenderness, and menstrual cycle changes are all well-known side effects of oral contraceptives, but others aren't as universally familiar. Similarly, some side effects are just bothersome and go away over time, while a few can be signs of serious or life-threatening health conditions.

To help you separate the simply annoying from the more severe, we spoke to a handful of women’s health experts who told us what signs to look for and how to respond to six unexpected side effects of the pill.

1. Irritating, Itchy Yeast Infections

Lower estrogen levels while on the pill can increase the frequency of yeast infections for women who have other risk factors. And women on the pill who have poorly controlled diabetes, a diet high in sugar or alcohol, or a weakened immune system may also experience more yeast infections, says Alyssa Dweck, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Mount Kisco, New York. Treatment with an over-the-counter vaginal antifungal cream or a prescription medication typically cures a yeast infection. But if the problem is chronic, says Dr. Dweck, it may help to switch birth control methods.

2. Vision Problems Caused by Dry Eye

Hormone changes from taking the pill can cause dry-eye symptoms that affect vision, says Beth Kneib, OD, the director of the clinical resources group at the American Optometric Association. See your eye doctor right away if you have dry eyes accompanied by discharge or a change in vision, which can be more serious, she says. "Some eye infections mimic dry-eye symptoms and can lead to a larger problem,” she explains. If you have no other symptoms, try over-the-counter saline eye drops for relief. While the risk is small, chronic pill use may also be associated with an increased risk of open angle glaucoma, according to research presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2013.

3. Blood Clots: Uncommon but Serious

Blood clots are a rare but potentially serious side effect of oral contraceptives. Each year, a small number of women who take oral contraceptives (3 to 10 out of every 10,000) develop blood clots, notes the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Women who smoke, are overweight, are over 35, or have recently given birth are considered at higher risk.

Blood clot signs to watch for:

  • Breathing problems or chest pain could signal a clot in the heart or lungs.
  • Pain, warmth, and swelling in the leg could indicate clotting in the lower leg, called deep vein thrombosis.

If you experience symptoms of a possible blood clot, seek immediate medical attention, says Kyoko Peña-Robles, MD, MPH, who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology with One Medical Group in San Francisco.

4. Migraine Headaches Caused by Hormones

Some women who already experience migraines may notice that their headaches get worse when they’re on the pill, Dr. Peña-Robles says. A study published in June 2014 in Current Opinion in Neurology found that a drop in estrogen levels can trigger migraines. Peña-Robles says this can happen just before your period and later in your menstrual cycle. Consider talking with your doctor about switching to a pill with fewer placebo days or a change in the method of contraception to ease the hormonal fluctuations that can contribute to migraines, she suggests.

What are the negative effects of birth control

5. Depression, Especially if You Have a Family History

Women with a personal or family history of mood disorders may be more likely to experience depression while taking the pill, says Peña-Robles. This may be because the pill’s synthetic hormones can affect the balance of certain neurotransmitters, according to a study published in November 2016 in JAMA Psychiatry. But depression can develop because of many factors, so it’s important to try to determine the cause. If you experience depression related to the pill, your doctor may recommend a nonhormonal birth control option, or one that delivers a lower level of hormones.

RELATED: Best and Worst Birth Control Options

6. Painful Intercourse, Sometimes Caused by Dryness

Low-dose birth control pills may be linked to chronic pelvic pain and uncomfortable intercourse, according to Peña-Robles. “This may be due to the dip in estrogen, which can lead to sexual side effects such as low libido, decreased lubrication, and painful intimacy,” she says. Report pelvic pain to your doctor right away in order to rule out conditions like endometriosis and fibroids. If you experience painful intercourse, talk with your doctor about other birth control options.

What are the negative effects of birth control

What are the negative effects of birth control


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What are some negatives of birth control?

Potential downsides of birth control pills.
Breast tenderness..
Cornea thickening, and related eye problems..
Increased water weight or bloating..
Mood changes or depression..
Reduced libido..
Spotting between periods..
Vaginal discharge..

Does birth control have long term negative effects?

Long-term side effects of birth control are rare. Your age, previous health problems, and tobacco use may increase your risk for long-term side effects. These effects can include blood clots, heart attack, cancer, migraines, and mood swings.

What does birth control do to your body physically?

The Pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. The hormones in the Pill can also sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.