What dogs can kill a bear

What dogs can kill a bear

The Karelian Bear Dog is a Finnish breed famous for its ability to kill a bear. These dogs can also hunt other large game such as moose or wild boar. Toughness from being bred in harsh conditions, quick reflexes, and a fearless personality give the Karelian Bear Dog its strength and abilities.

The Karelian Bear Dog (or “KBD”) originated in Northwestern Europe. Finnish and Russian peasants used these pups for hunting and as watchdogs. Only the toughest survived the brutal conditions of the time–these dogs were forced to fight and hunt in the freezing cold. Originally black, white, red, and red-gray, today’s Karelian Bear Dog is black and white only. Its breed standard was established in 1945 and it was officially accepted into the Finnish Kennel Club in 1946.

Today, Karelian Bear Dogs defend human communities from bears. These pups protect human-inhabited areas of national parks. They also work to reduce human-bear conflict in the U.S., Canada, and Japan. Karelian Bear dogs are great at their jobs–in one Tokyo resort town, these pups decreased the annual number of bear-related incidents from 255 to four!

While Karelian Bear Dogs are built to hunt bears and other big game and to protect humans, they’re not all bite. These pups are helpful in protecting bears too. If a bear threatens an unprotected human, the only safe solution is to euthanize or tranquilize it. KBDs prevent this by simply chasing bears away, a practice known as “bear shepherding.” Since dogs resemble coyotes, who steal bear cubs, bears are naturally afraid of them. By scaring a bear, Karelian Bear Dogs naturally condition him or her to stay away from human-inhabited areas. In turn, “bear shepherding” saves bears’ lives in the long run.

Since they’re bred hunters, Karelian Bear Dogs are naturally aggressive towards all other animals, including other dogs. They also aren’t fans of human strangers and are not the best choice of a pet for young children. For this reason, socialization training from early puppyhood is crucial. That said, well-trained Karelian Bear Dogs are sweet and well-tempered with humans and make great cuddly companions.

These pups have stiff, straight fur with a soft undercoat. Their medium-length double coats are gorgeous, but can be high-maintenance when it comes to grooming. Today’s KBDs are typically around 70% black and 30% white (black with white markings), and sometimes have brown highlights. These pups are eager to please their owners and thrive best with a job to do. Aside from bear hunting, KBDs also excel on search and rescue teams and at sled dog trials. So even if your Karelian Bear Dog is an “unemployed” pet, consider offering him or her a hobby (i.e. obedience trials).

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What dogs can kill a bear

How Big Is A Karelian Bear Dog?

Karelian Bear Dogs typically weigh between 44-49 pounds and are 19-23.5 inches long. This means they’re classified by the American Kennel Club as “medium” in size. The Eurasian brown bear these dogs hunt can weigh up to 780 pounds, so the KBD’s power is impressive! They’re small but mighty by comparison.

How Do Karelian Bear Dogs Hunt Bears?

Karelian Bear Dogs are silent hunters. When they have their prey cornered, they will alert their owners by running around the animal and barking high and fast. These dogs are very obedient and will wait for further instruction from their owners before proceeding with their attack. They’re famously able to keep animals trapped for a long period of time. They’ll often bite or otherwise aggravate a bear to keep it from running away.

In communities with a lot of bears, KBDs and their humans go out on daily “patrol.” These dogs are trained to bark when they smell a bear nearby. They’re able to fend off bears using only their bark. This means humans and bears in these communities often never even have to make contact.

Karelian Bear Dogs work well alone. While they work effectively with other KBDs in groups or packs, they also work well with just their owners or even without human guidance if trained properly.

What dogs can kill a bear

What Is The Bite Force Of A Karelian Bear Dog?

The Karelian Bear Dog has an incredibly powerful bite. These dogs can exert up to 230 pounds of pressure with their teeth. This means their bite strength ranks in the same range as Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Dobermans, Labs, and Great Danes. However, other dog breeds like the Kangal and American Bandogge can surpass 700 pounds of pressure per bite. This goes to show that the KBD’s power lies primarily in its bark.

Can A Karelian Bear Dog Outrun A Bear?

Dogs can run at up to 31 miles per hour, whereas bears can reach 35 miles per hour. This means that technically, a KBD cannot outrun a bear. However, these dogs are certainly able to keep up enough to chase a bear away. Moreover, a terrified, cornered bear is unlikely to reach peak performance, so KBDs often have the upper hand in hunting or patrolling situations.


The Karelian Bear Dog is a national treasure of Finland. For centuries, these dogs have hunted large game, including bears, moose, wild boars, and more, and protected humans and bears from each other. While the KBD can kill a bear if needed, today they’re primarily a scare tactic to keep the peace between wildlife and human communities.

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