What gift to buy for indian friend

What gift to buy for indian friend

Be it for gifting purpose or personal use – souvenir hunting is and will always be an integral part of travelling and vacation. The human instinct of collecting things that catch our fancy is the push behind a traveller taking time out of his/her tour plan to indulge in some souvenir trail. The local markets are the ideal places to bag some indigenous and home grown items, soaked in the flavour of the land you travel through. India is no exception.

This massive country with innumerable cultures is home to thousands of hand made products that serve as perfect souvenirs. If you are embarking on a voyage in India, these famous souvenirs are what you must kitty in.

1. Traditional Indian paintings
The colourful country of India has a legacy in paintings and other canvas related artwork. This great land is home to skilled artisans who had carved out beautiful structures even on rocks and caves and painted massive rock walls. Well, those you cannot carry back home due to obvious reasons, you know them! But there are varieties of authentic Indian art forms and regional painting styles like Madhubani paintings, Tanjore paintings and Warli paintings that you can take back as souvenirs.

Originating in the Mithila region of India, the Madhubani paintings are known for their distinct geometrical patterns; Tanjore paintings belong to southern India and are marked by the use of rich, flat, vivid colours and simple iconic compositions; Warli paintings are basically tribal creations that play with simple patterns.

2. Authentic Indian curry powder
India is the mother of this globally favourite dish; home to the various types of curries that find admirers in every part of the world. The main ingredient that differentiates a good bowl of curry from a casually-made one is the curry power used.

A definite break from what you will generally find, which is no match to the aroma, freshness, and taste that an authentic Indian curry power packet possesses. You will be confused with the amount of options available. To play it safe, we suggest you go for government-owned stores dealing with ethnic Indian food items.

3. Pickles

What gift to buy for indian friend

An integral part of Indian cuisine, pickles are not merely fillers or side assortments of various vegetable or fruits; these are a piece of work that require immense knowledge of quantity and quality. Making a perfect jar of pickle takes expertise on ingredients, slicing of the main item in proper proportion, sun exposure, salt, spices and many other aspects.

Forget everything you knew about pickles and get ready to experience the unique taste of Indian pickles. They are spicy, tangy and sweet, all at the same time! Carry some with you back home and surprise your friends with a spicy twist!

4. Assam silk
The north-eastern state of Assam is known for its unique kind of silk that is only found in this part of the country. Of late, Assam silk has found national exposure, courtesy a few designers’ knack for experimentation with new fabric and textures. First, there is Muga, a golden-yellow colour silk that is used to make beautiful sarees with stunning details.

It gets better and brighter with time; just make sure you always put it to dry cleaning. Then there is Paat silk, an indigenous silk variety from Assam that is used to manufacture the famous Mekhela Chador. Though available in many colours, the signature Mekhela Chador is white in colour with elaborate gold and silver embroidery. Buy one and get ready to stand out in any gathering!

5. Kondapalli toys

What gift to buy for indian friend

These toys trace back their origin to a village with the same name in the Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Vibrant in colour combination, these toys have been around for many years. Basically made of wood and ceramic, these toys are unique to India and have carved a niche of their own when it comes to souvenirs.

6. Kashmiri carpets
India has its own style of making and designing carpets. They are visibly more radiant than any other carpets you will find in your native land. Elaborate designs, distinct colour combination and rich use of patterns take them ahead of the league. The northern-most state of Jammu & Kashmir in the country is known for unique and one of its kind carpet-making. The place is called the heaven on Earth due to its unmatched landscapes; when you are there, make sure to grab a traditional Kashmiri carpet.

7. Spices
India has been a Portuguese and British colony in the past and among the many things that the foreign traders (who eventually became the rulers) dealt in were spices. Indian spices have their own aroma and flavour, never to be found anywhere else on the planet. The southern state of Kerala (a major tourist hub in itself) is the best known spice producer in the country.

8. Sarees and kurtas

What gift to buy for indian friend

Sarees have found global recognition now and are not subject to any introduction. They have made their presence felt on the runaways worldwide and many top-leagued designers have created their own line of sarees. But buying a saree in India is another experience. The staple wear of an India woman, sarees in India come in different designs and texture, more than 25 if you’re looking for a variety count.

For men, there is an ethnic top wear known as kurta. Longer than a normal shirt and way more comfortable than a t-shirt, kurtas mark the signature Indian ethnic look for men.

9. Kolhapuri chappals
The buying of kurtas will automatically lead you on a hunt for the perfect pair of footwear to go with them and nothing suits a kurta more than a pair of Kolhapuri chappals (slippers). Be it men or women, no Indian ethnic ensemble is complete without the addition of it! Essentially a form of hand-crafted, open-toed, leather slippers with a t-strap design, Kolhapuri chappals make a perfect Indian souvenir to take home! They trace back their origin to a district by the name of Kohlapur in the state of Maharashtra, hence the name.

10. Jewellery/tribal jewellery

What gift to buy for indian friend

Indian jewellery has its own identity with elaborate work on design and shape. Almost every state of this ancient country has its own style of jewellery making. Traditionally, Indian jewellery was made of gold and silver, for diamonds were mainly accessible to the royal class in ancient times. Diamonds have however made their inroads of late but if you want to take a piece of traditional jewellery, we suggest you to go for either gold or silver work.

Apart from the popular kind, there are numerous other forms of tribal jewellery to be found in India. They are made of locally available products such as wood rather than expensive metals, but their beauty and pull remains the same.

11. Sandalwood carvings
Essentially a product of Kerala, sandalwood carvings make a perfect souvenir from India. Made from one of the most fragrant woods of the world, these carvings include intricate jewellery boxes, show pieces, decorative items, ashtrays and more.

12. Pashmina shawls
Another unique product from Kashmir, pashmina is a fine, hand-spun fibre. It is so rich in nature and fine in texture that it is also known as soft gold! The most famous product that is made from pashmina is a sort of shawl that is an identity of the region. Pashmina shawls also make for perfect takeaway items from India.

What is a good gift to give someone from India?

Traditional Indian paintings. The colourful country of India has a legacy in paintings and other canvas related artwork. ... .
Authentic Indian curry powder. ... .
Pickles. ... .
Assam silk. ... .
Kondapalli toys. ... .
Kashmiri carpets. ... .
Spices. ... .
Sarees and kurtas..

What do Indian people like as a gift?

Mithai / Sweets Sweets are a good traditional Indian gift as people say you should always start something new with a sweet mouth. Also, if someone is looking for healthier options, with so many choices out their today you can even get healthier options in sweets.

What should I get my friend from India?

Top 17 Indian Souvenirs to Bring Back Home.
Pashmina Shawls. Pashmina is made from the wool of three kinds of Pashmina goats that produce the wool known as Pashm. ... .
Sarees. Indian vibrant sari. ... .
Brocades. ... .
Indian Footwear. ... .
Sandalwood Products. ... .
Aromatherapy Products. ... .
Madhubani Paintings. ... .
Miniature Paintings..

What is the best gift for Indian girl?

Browse through this article to explore the best gifts for girls and pick the one that matches their taste and style..
Travel pillow..
Insulated drinks containers..
Hiking shoes..
Writing pads..
Protein bars and snacks..

What is gift giving etiquette in India?

Make sure you give gift with either the both hands or either with right hand and not only with the left hand as left hand is considered as unclean. When giving money as gifts, make sure it is an odd number of money, such as 21 Rupees or 51 Rupees instead of 20 or 50 rupees.

What should I gift to my foreign friend?

The Best Gifts for Expats & Overseas Friends.
A Unique Luggage Tag..
The Perfect Travel Wallet..
A Flytographer Photoshoot..
A Wine Tasting, Coffee, or Hiking Journal..
A Powerful Battery Bank..
A Scratch Off Travel Map..
Portable Bluetooth Speaker..
A Travel Umbrella..