What happens if you lift something heavy after cataract surgery

Your cataract surgery was a success and you’re excited to head back to the gym and return to your exercise routine. But before you do, please keep these few pointers in mind.

While cataract surgery is a very routine procedure, it’s still surgery, and your eyes need time to recover. Not allowing them to do so can cause a delay in your vision returning, as well as other complications that can cause you to lose vision.

The early days

For the first week after cataract surgery, you really need to take it easy. Don’t do any strenuous activities like sprinting or martial arts, and don’t lift any weights heavier than five to 10 pounds. In those first days after cataract surgery, a good way to get yourself moving is a light walk around the neighborhood or on the treadmill.

“Cataract surgery is a great way to improve your lifestyle by getting you clearer vision,” CEENTA Ophthalmologist Veena Rao, MD, said. “To help my patients heal quickly and safely, I always recommend light activity during the first week. You’ll be back before you know it, and this time, you’ll be seeing better!”

As you progress

After about a week, with permission from your doctor, you can go back to most of your regular activities. But, due to continued healing of the eye, you will want to avoid swimming and strenuous lifting for about a month after surgery. Pools, lakes, and the ocean can have lots of infectious agents and you are particularly susceptible to infection during this time.

We’re glad you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and following these guidelines will make sure your cataract surgery heals well and stays that way. If you have any questions, or if any of these restrictions cause a real conflict with your work or lifestyle, don’t hesitate to talk about it with your surgeon.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. Dr. Rao practices in our Matthews and Monroe offices. To schedule an appointment with her or a cataract surgeon near you, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.

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Cataract surgery is done to remove a cataract in your eye. It’s a common and generally safe procedure, and you can go home immediately after.

However, as with most surgeries, you’ll need to wait before jumping back into your regular exercise routine.

The typical timeframe for resuming exercise after cataract surgery depends on the activity. You can do light exercise within the first week, but more strenuous activity should be avoided for several weeks. This will ensure that your eye properly heals.

Read on to learn more about how you can safely exercise after cataract surgery.

Your eye doctor can provide the best advice about when you can exercise after cataract surgery. They can offer recommendations for your specific situation, so be sure to follow their guidelines.

Here’s a general timeframe for when you can resume different levels of physical activity:

Week 1 after surgery

In the week after surgery, you can do low-impact physical activities, such as:

  • walking outdoors
  • gentle walking on a treadmill
  • light household chores
  • gentle stretching (without bending at the waist)

Avoid bending and lifting anything over 10 to 15 pounds, including laundry and groceries. This can increase pressure in your eyes and interfere with proper healing.

Week 2 after surgery

At 2 weeks, your doctor may clear you for moderate-level activities, such as:

  • brisk walking
  • jogging
  • yoga
  • slow dancing

Weeks 4 to 6 after surgery

You should be able to resume more intense physical activities. These can include:

  • weightlifting
  • running
  • swimming
  • intense cycling

Again, check with your eye doctor before returning to this level of exercise.

Complications after cataract surgery are rare but possible.

Symptoms of serious side effects include:

  • increasing eye pain, redness, or stickiness
  • increasing swelling inside or in front of the eye
  • decreasing vision
  • blurry vision
  • eye bleeding
  • pain that doesn’t respond to pain medication
  • flashes
  • floaters
  • seeing glares or dark shadows
  • nausea
  • vomiting

The above symptoms may indicate a serious complication, such as:

  • eye infection
  • retinal detachment
  • changes in eye pressure
  • eye damage
  • dislocation of the intraocular lens (IOL) implant
  • secondary cataract

Contact your eye doctor if you feel that something is wrong with your eye. Side effects can be resolved if they’re treated as soon as possible.

A cataract is when the lens, which is normally clear, becomes cloudy. It occurs when proteins in the lens collect and clump together. Cataracts develop slowly and become more common with age.

Over time, a cataract can make it difficult for you to see, especially at night.

The only way to remove a cataract is with surgery. This procedure involves replacing the cloudy lens with an artificial lens known as an IOL.

Generally, you’ll need surgery if a cataract interferes with daily activities, like watching television or driving. You may also need the procedure if the cataract makes it difficult to treat other eye disorders.

Before surgery, your eye doctor will assess your eyes and eyesight. This will help them plan the procedure.

Here’s what you can expect during the surgery:

  1. First, a medical professional will put numbing drops in your eye so you won’t feel pain. You’ll be awake during the surgery.
  2. The doctor will cut into your eye with a tiny tool and remove the cloudy lens.
  3. Next, they’ll insert the artificial lens. The entire surgery will take about 30 to 60 minutes.
  4. The doctor will place a bandage over your eye to protect it.
  5. You’ll rest in a recovery area, where medical professionals will monitor you.
  6. Before you go home, the doctor will provide aftercare instructions. You’ll need a family member, friend, or transportation service to take you home.

Cataract surgery is done on one eye at a time. If you need surgery in both eyes, you’ll need to wait about 4 weeks between the two procedures.

In general, it’s safe to do light exercise the first week after cataract surgery. This includes walking and stretching without bending at the waist.

By the second week, you can resume moderate-intensity activity.

At 4 to 6 weeks, you should be fully healed. At this point, it’s usually safe to do vigorous activity like weightlifting or running.

The exact timeframe when you can safely resume your exercise routine will be different for each person. Always follow the doctor’s instructions and attend your follow-up appointments. This way, your doctor can check your progress and make sure your eye is healing properly.

How long after cataract surgery can you bend and lift?

Do not bend over or do any strenuous activities, such as biking, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise, for 2 weeks or until your doctor says it is okay. Avoid swimming, hot tubs, gardening, and dusting for 1 to 2 weeks. Wear sunglasses on bright days for at least 1 year after surgery.

How long does it take for the lens to settle after cataract surgery?

Depending on the IOL you choose for your cataract surgery, it may take three to six weeks before your vision fully stabilizes. You may find it especially difficult to adjust to monovision. Typically, cataract surgery is performed separately on each eye, about a week apart.

What is considered strenuous activity after cataract surgery?

Physical Restrictions after Cataract Surgery Strenuous exercise includes jogging, aerobics, weight lifting, football, running, cycling, tennis etc. Even yoga after cataract surgery is considered a strenuous exercise.

Can you damage your eye after cataract surgery?

For some people, surgery raises pressure in the eye. It's called ocular hypertension and can damage your vision. Your doctor may suggest you treat it with eye drops, shots, or pills. Swelling, bleeding, or leftover lens fragments can cause greater pressure in your eye, which can lead to glaucoma.


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