What is the average cost of rent

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The cost to rent an apartment in Ontario depends on the property size (number of bedrooms), the neighbourhood /where it is located, and the age and condition of the apartment or house.

Prices vary from city to city and from year to year. Generally, smaller cities have lower rental costs than larger cities.

Here is a sample of cities and their average rental prices for 2022:

  • Barrie & Area - $1673 1BR, $2431 2BR
  • Belleville & Area - $1500 1BR, $1600 2BR 
  • Brantford & Area - $1549 1BR, $1775 2BR
  • Guelph & Area - $1950, $2156 2BR
  • Hamilton & Area - $1603 1BR, $2063 2BR
  • Kingston & Area - $1589 1BR, $1750 2BR
  • Kitchener & Area - $1839 1BR, $2279 2BR
  • London & Area - $1678 1BR, $2023 2BR
  • St. Catharines-Niagara & Area - $1451 1BR, $1899 2BR
  • Oshawa & Area - $1680 1BR, $1950 2BR
  • Ottawa & Area - $1674 1BR, $2075 2BR
  • Peterborough & Area - $1534 1BR, $1900 2BR
  • Sudbury & Area - $1449 1BR, $1599 2BR
  • Thunder Bay & Area - $1092 1BR, $1600 2BR
  • Toronto & Area - $2233 1BR, $3005 2BR
  • Windsor & Area - $1159 1BR, $1670 2BR

If you would like more information about rental pricing and trends, you can also call a housing help centre or community agency, or search in the Services Near Me section by using the words "housing assistance" in your area.

For More Information

  • CLEO - Landlord & Tenant Law - Find clear language publications on the rights of tenants in rental housing.
  • Landlord and Tenant Board - Provides information about the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.

Last updated: November 7, 2022 4001280

Comparison over the last five years:2016-17 to 2020-21

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2020 compared to 2021

Rental Type 2020 2021 Percentage Change
Room in Household $2,141.50 $1,637.39 -26.68%
Studios/Efficiencies $1,757.50 $2,001.93 13 %
1 Bedroom House/Duplex $1,726 $1,975.21 13.47%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo $3,008.50 $2,920.17 -2.99%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex $2,850 $3,513.08 20.84%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo $3,056.50 $3,059.79 0.11%%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex $4,444 $4,347.72 -2.19%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo $5,310.50 $4,381.29 -19.18%
4 Bedroom House/Duplex $5,377 $6,389.92 17.22%
4 Bedroom Apartment/Condo $4,812.50
5 - 8 Bedroom House/Apartment $4,864.50 $7,471.08 42.26%

2019 compared to 2020 Unavailable

2018 compared to 2019

Rental Type 2018 2019 Percentage Change
Rooms  $1,017 $ 1,060 4.2%
Studios  $1,428 $ 1,471 3.0%
1 Bedroom House/Duplex  $1,995 $ 2,013 0.9%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $2,079 $ 1,939 -6.7%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex $2,977 $ 2,919 -1.9%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo $2,775 $ 2,688 -3.1%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex $3,852 $ 3,792 -1.6%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $3,276 $ 3,520 7.4%
4 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,688 $ 5,040 7.5%
5 - 9 Bedroom House/Apartment  $5,645 $ 6,415 13.6%

2017 compared to 2018 

Rental Type 2017 2018 Percentage Change
Rooms  $942  $1,017 8%
Studios  $1,186  $1,428 20%
1 Bedroom House/Duplex  $1,744  $1,995 14%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $1,697  $2,079 23%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex  $2,674  $2,977 11%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $2,444  $2,775 14%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex  $3,488  $3,852 10%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $3,155  $3,276 5%
4 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,169  $4,688 12%
5 - 9 Bedroom House/Apartment  $5,420  $5,645 11%

2016 compared to 2017 

Rental Type 2016 2017 Percentage Change
Rooms  $900  $942 5%
Studios  $1,173  $1,186 1%
1 Bedroom House/Duplex  $1,662  $1,744 5%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $1,581  $1,697 7%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex  $2,620  $2,674 2%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $2,360  $2,444 4%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex  $3,403  $3,488 2%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $3,132  $3,135 0%
4 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,149  $4,169 0%
5 - 9 Bedroom House/Apartment  $5,708  $5,420 -5%

2015 compared to 2016

Rental Type 2015 2016 Percentage Change
Rooms  $873  $900 3%
Studios  $1,085  $1,173 8%
1 Bedroom House/Duplex  $1,701  $1,662 -2%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $1,412  $1,581 12%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex  $2,400  $2,620 9%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $2,127  $2,360 11%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex  $3,158  $3,403 8%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $3,074  $3,132 2%
4 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,040  $4,149 3%
5 - 9 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,929  $5,708 16%

2014 compared to 2015

Rental Type 2014 2015 Percentage Change
Rooms  $795  $873 10%
Studios  $983  $1,085 10%
1 Bedroom House/Duplex  $1,500  $1,701 13%
1 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $1,306  $1,412 8%
2 Bedroom House/Duplex  $2,172  $2,400 10%
2 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $1,905  $2,127 12%
3 Bedroom House/Duplex  $2,923  $3,158 8%
3 Bedroom Apartment/Condo  $2,849  $3,074 8%
4 Bedroom House/Apartment  $3,723  $4,040 9%
5 - 9 Bedroom House/Apartment  $4,749  $4,929 4%

Note: Rental Cost statistics are calculated based on advertised listings through the UCSC Community Rentals Office. Figures include both furnished and unfurnished rentals. Advertised rates may include allowing 2 or 3 people per room, cost of utilities and/or other amenities. Locations vary, with the majority being in Santa Cruz. For statistical purposes, some zero rent or excessively priced listings omitted from calculations. 

What is the average cost of rent in the United States?

The average American renter pays $1,326 a month. For those looking to move, prices are even higher. The average asking rent is now $1,900 , with single-family houses averaging $2,018 a month, while a typical apartment costs an $1,659. ... Average Rent by State 2022..

What is the average rent in the US 2022?

Rent prices for single family homes swelled during the first half of 2022, hitting a national average of $2,495 a month — a 13.4% increase compared to the same period in 2021, according to a new report from national real estate brokerage HouseCanary.

How much is rent in US per month?

The average monthly rent for all apartment types in the United States rose substantially in 2021. As of February 2022, the average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the United States reached 1,295 U.S. dollars, up from 1,100 U.S. dollars a year before.

What is average Singapore rent?

Housing & Accommodation Cost in Singapore.