What to drink for an allergic reaction

Skin allergy symptoms like redness, itching, and swelling often go away on their own in a week or two, with or without treatment.

You can do some things to make it more comfortable in the meantime.

Avoid contact. It might sound obvious, but it’s worth a reminder. You can’t use or touch what triggers your allergy.

Chill out. A cool compress or shower can help calm a fiery rash. Gently pat dry and then moisturize.

Soak it. Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal ground to a powder, so it mixes well with water. It can calm inflamed skin for some people. But other folks can have reactions to it. To try it, use lukewarm water. If it’s too hot, it can irritate and dry your skin.

Add anti-itch cream. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone or calamine lotion may relieve itching.

Go baggy. Don’t wear tight clothes. They can irritate your rash. Play it loose and cool with breathable fabrics like cotton.

For severe symptoms, try a damp dressing. First find a soft cotton piece of clothing, like a long-sleeve T-shirt or long underwear. Soak it in water, wring it out, and then put it on. Wear something over it that's snug, but not too tight.

If you have a skin problem that doesn't go away on its own, always get it checked out by a doctor -- even if it gets a little better from a home treatment. It could be a sign of a serious medical condition.

If you endure the itchy eyes, runny nose, and congestion of allergies, or the shortness of breath and wheezing of asthma, your doctor may prescribe one of a variety of antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and other drugs to tame your allergy symptoms. But making simple changes to your diet may also help you feel better. Here are 10 allergy-fighting foods and drinks you may want to try.

Sip a Cup of Green Tea

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

"Tea, especially green tea, with or without caffeine, is very good for people with allergies," says Murray Grossan, MD, an ear, nose, and throat doctor in Los Angeles. Tea contains natural antihistamines, he says, which makes it a great addition to your diet to reduce allergy symptoms. Histamine is a chemical that your body releases during allergic reactions. Grossan especially recommends a morning cup of hot tea just when you get up to help prevent morning sneezing.

Avoid Spicy Foods When Pollen Counts Are High

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Some people with seasonal allergies can enjoy a diet of spicy Thai and scorching Mexican foods during part of the year, but not when high pollen counts are triggering their allergy symptoms, Grossan says. That's because spicy foods create an "outpouring of histamine" that only bothers you when it's added to the histamine produced by your seasonal allergies. When your allergy symptoms are acting up, skip the spicy stuff.

Consider a Mediterranean Diet

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

There is some research to support the idea that adhering to a Mediterranean diet increases a person's chance of controlling their asthma, according to a 2013 report in the Journal of Asthma. This diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, fish, and olive oil, with a lesser amount of meat.

Don't Eat Raw Foods at the Height of Allergy Season

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Among other raw foods, raw apples or pesticides on lettuce may bother your allergies. During the height of allergy season, when symptoms are really bothering you, cut fresh foods out of your diet and stick with canned and cooked foods, Grossan suggests. Cooking foods lessens your risk of developing allergy symptoms. So switching from, say, fresh apples to applesauce may help.

Try Some Wasabi

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Wasabi, the pungent green paste served with sushi in Japanese restaurants, might be helpful in opening up your nose and helping you breathe better when you have allergy symptoms, Grossan says. The next time your nose is plugged up, drop into a sushi restaurant for a bit of wasabi. It might do the trick if you can tolerate the heat. This method isn't guaranteed, however, as wasabi also has the potential to unleash more allergy-related histamine in your system.

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Eat Yogurt and Other Probiotics

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Grossan strongly recommends that people with allergy symptoms add yogurt and other sources of probiotics to their diet. Probiotics are known as "friendly bacteria," according to the National Institutes of Health. Typically these are listed on labels as lactobacillus or bifidobacterium and are similar to bacteria found in your digestive tract. Probiotics, which you can get from yogurt, miso, fermented milk, and dietary supplements, can help regulate your immune system so you'll have fewer allergy symptoms.

Go Low-Cal and Lose Weight

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Researchers have found that being obese may actually worsen asthma. A recent study compiling 15 earlier studies on weight loss and asthma found that, in all of them, researchers observed some asthma improvement after subjects lost weight. So if you weigh too much and your allergy symptoms include asthma, changing your diet and controlling your weight may help.

Stick to a Low-Salt Diet

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Studies have found that eating a diet higher in salt may be associated with more severe asthma, and small studies have found that eating a low-salt diet can improve lung function, decrease symptoms, and reduce the need for medications in people with asthma. Good ways to reduce salt in your diet include eating plenty of fresh vegetables and cutting down on processed foods like frozen dinners and canned soups.

Up Your Omega-3 Intake

What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction

Some research indicates that eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful for reducing asthma symptoms. In one study, researchers had 23 adults with asthma take an omega-3 supplement or placebo for five weeks. Those taking the omega-3s had lower levels of a marker of airway inflammation. You can get more omega-3s in your diet by eating fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, and albacore tuna.

Skip the Fast Food

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What to drink for an allergic reaction

Looking for yet another reason to limit how many burgers and fries you eat? A New Zealand study of more than 1,300 kids found that those who ate hamburgers occasionally or at least once a week were more likely to have asthma symptoms than kids who never ate burgers. The good news: A diet designed to reduce asthma and allergy symptoms with foods like fruits and vegetables and fish might not leave a lot of room for fast food.

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What to drink for an allergic reaction

What to drink for an allergic reaction


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What drinks help with allergic reactions?

"Tea, especially green tea, with or without caffeine, is very good for people with allergies," says Murray Grossan, MD, an ear, nose, and throat doctor in Los Angeles. Tea contains natural antihistamines, he says, which makes it a great addition to your diet to reduce allergy symptoms.

What is the fastest way to treat an allergic reaction?

Use an anti-itch drug available without a prescription. A nonprescription oral antihistamine, such as loratadine (Alavert, Claritin, others), cetirizine (Zyrtec Allergy, others) or diphenhydramine (Benadryl Allergy, others), may help relieve itching.

How do you flush out an allergic reaction?

Keep yourself hydrated. "While your body is purging the allergen food from it is system, the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids," Zeitlin says. Water is always a good idea, but you can also sip on low calorie sports drinks to replenish the electrolytes you're likely losing, Zeitlin says.

How do you get instant relief from an allergic reaction?

Apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. Cover the area with a bandage. If there's swelling, apply a cold compress to the area. Take an antihistamine to reduce itching, swelling, and hives.