Whats the difference between the passport book and card

In addition to a regular passport, (the Passport book), U.S. citizens have the option of using a smaller, lighter passport card but only if they are traveling by land or sea to certain countries. A passport card is cheaper to get but is only valid for travel to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean islands. The passport book is valid for travel anywhere and is required for international air travel.

Comparison chart

Passport Book versus Passport Card comparison chart
Passport BookPassport CardValidityDuration of validitySizeCost for first time applicantsCost for renewalGlobally recognized travel documentUseful forProcessing time
International travel by air, sea or land International travel by land and sea only. Valid for travel. Not valid for international travel by air.
10 years for adults, 5 years for minors under 16 10 years for adults, 5 years for minors under 16
5’’ x 3.5’’ when closed Wallet-sized
$135 for adults, $105 for under 16s $55 for adults, $40 for under 16s
$110 for adults $30 for adults
Yes No
International travel Those who live in border communities in the US.
4-6 weeks; 2 weeks expedited 4-6 weeks; 2 weeks expedited


A passport book measures 5"x3.5" when closed. It contains several pages like the passport details page which provides the holder's name,date of birth, passport expiry date etc as well as other blank pages for visa and immigration stamping.

A passport card is a portable pocket sized card (similar to a credit card) that fits in your wallet.

A driver displays Passport Card at the border

A passport book displaying the passport details page


A passport book is valid for any international travel by air, sea or land. It is valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors under 16.

A passport card is valid for travel to and from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land border crossings and sea ports-of-entry. It is not valid for air travel. It is valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors under 16.


A first passport book costs $135 for adults and $105 for minors under the age of 16. It costs $110 to renew.

A first passport card costs $55 for adults and $40 for minors under the age of 16. It costs $30 to renew.

The cost when applying for both is $165 for adults and $120 for minors.

Flying Without a Passport (Book)

Q: I am taking a cruise to Mexico and I intend to travel with my passport card because I'm traveling by sea. If I fall sick in Mexico, can I fly back to the U.S.?

A: No. You need a passport book for air travel. The passport card is only valid for entry into the United States at land border crossings or sea ports of entry.

When to Carry Both

Sometimes it makes life more convenient to have both a passport book and a card, and carry them both on your international travel. Some countries require you to carry your passport with you at all times. In such situations, a passport card comes in handy because it is the size of a credit card and fits nicely in a wallet. You can carry your passport card with you at all times and leave the passport book safe in the hotel room locker. The passport card is also a valid form of ID so it is useful to have it on you at all times when traveling abroad.


  • The differences between U.S. passport books and cards - travel.state.gov
  • How to apply for a passport

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"Passport Book vs Passport Card." Diffen.com. Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 10 Nov 2022. < >

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When a passport is required for travel outside of the U.S., things can get a bit confusing. There are multiple options, from a passport book to a passport card, and even an enhanced driver's license for those crossing borders by land. While each one has a purpose, passport books and passport cards are the two most sought-after means of identification when leaving the U.S.

However, this does not mean that they are both created equally. A traveler might be asking themselves, 'what's the difference between a passport book and a card if they're both passports?' and this is a common question. One is more powerful than the other; however, one also offers travelers similar benefits at a lower cost. So, which one is right depending on the type of travel one is planning on doing? Let's compare the two.

A Passport Book: What It Does And How It's Used

For those who are in doubt, it's always better to go ahead and invest in an actual passport book. Not only does this have a lifespan of ten years before it expires, but it functions as a gateway to practically anywhere in the world, whereas a passport card is more limited.

For starters, the passport book can be offered to U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals wishing to travel internationally. The book has multiple pages that are used for stamps and visas, which allows travelers to plan multiple trips around the world without having to renew or add pages to their books right away. Passports come with a standard 28 pages, with the option to add up to 52 pages for an additional fee.

Only electronic - aka biometric - passports have been issued since 2007, meaning that each passport book comes equipped with an electronic chip.

When considering whether or not to go with a passport book versus a passport card, one must be aware of whether they're crossing a border by land, sea, or air. Passport books allow entry by all three and are also necessary one cruises that are outside of the U.S. territories since not every seaport is approved for entry with a passport card alone.

A Passport Card: What It Does And How It's Used

Essentially, a passport card more closely resembles an enhanced driver's license (EDL) than it does a passport book. Whereas a passport book unlocks destinations all over the world, a passport card only unlocks destinations that include land and sea border crossings. For example, a cruise through the Caribbean would accept a passport card; however, one would need a passport book if that cruise were to leave the Caribbean and head to another country's territory. While a U.S. passport is not required for U.S. citizens flying domestically within the U.S., a passport card would not allow U.S. citizens to fly elsewhere, because it is not as powerful as a passport book.

A passport card is not an accepted form of valid photo identification when crossing the border by air, and will not be accepted for international flights.

However, the benefit of a passport card is for those who plan on crossing the border into Canada or Mexico by car. Whereas an EDL is only available in certain states that share a border with another country, a passport card is available in all 50 states and can be used to gain entry across land border crossings. Additionally, a passport card allows travelers crossing either border by car to use the Ready Lanes at entry points for faster border crossings.

The only other reason one might consider a passport card over a passport book is if they're planning a cruise and live in a state (i.e. Florida) where air travel is not required to reach the ship. Cruises traveling through the Caribbean and Bermuda do not require passport books, only cards, so it might be worth saving the extra $100 if a passport book isn't a necessity.

So, Which Is Better - The Passport Book Or The Passport Card?

U.S. citizens are in the unique position of having access to multiple forms of photo identification for travel purposes. While the passport book is the ultimate means of gaining entry into another country, the passport card does have its benefits for adults who would rather pay $65 instead of $165.

Additionally, both forms of travel identification last for ten years and can be renewed, so they're tied in that aspect, as well. Choosing between the two ultimately comes down to where one is going, and where they plan on going in the future.

Do I need both the passport book and card?

Both the passport card and passport book are proof of your U.S. citizenship and identity and thus can be used as an alternative form of ID. But, if you intend to travel outside those 20 nations or via plane within the next 10 years, the booklet proves necessary.

Is the passport card worth it?

If you want to visit faraway lands, this isn't a good option. PRO: At just $30 per renewal every 10 years, Passport Cards are a fraction of the cost of the $110 required to renew Passport Books. This is especially appealing when traveling with kids, whose cards only cost $15 to renew.

What is the point of a passport card?

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) accepts the passport card as ID for domestic flights. Use the passport card when entering the United States at land-border crossings and sea ports-of-entry from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.


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