Who can be a curse-breaker

Content Note:

This story contains references to intimate partner violence.

1. Do not try to fix generational trauma with a spell.

2. Do not consult your great-great-grandmother’s forbidden spell book, even if you think it’s the best way to get to the root of said generational trauma. She was the first one in your family to marry a less-than-stellar man — a warlock with a sharp tongue and hard fists — so it would make sense to start with her, wouldn’t it? Yank out the root and let the rest of the plant wither and die. And besides, the root is safer. Farther away from your green leaves, easier to turn into a story that has nothing to do with you. Even if it does.

3. When trying to find a spell you wrongly think will erase generational trauma, recall the lessons taught to you in boarding school. Several of your teachers explicitly taught you that spells cannot be mashed together like a sandwich. Do not assume you can mix a seduction spell with a spirit-cleansing spell to wipe away all of the bruises and screams and hurts from the love lives of the women in your family. Pick whichever spell you think is closest to what you want, and pray it works.

4. Make sure you have the proper ingredients for whatever incorrect spell you choose. For instance, if the spell calls for pig’s blood, do not substitute goat’s blood instead. It will not work. It will blow up in your face, just like your father always swore everything you did would.

5. When you accidentally summon a demon — because your father was right and you’re an idiot — pretend you know more than you actually do. Be calm. Act confident. Thankfully, you’re good at both of those things. Years of weathering loud, angry men whose moods shift like storm clouds has made you an excellent actress.

6. Do not be charmed by a demon, even if he seems very sweet and gentle and compliments you on both your spellcasting and your furniture choice. You’ve always had great taste in secondhand furniture, and you’ve dreamed of a man who would appreciate the exceptional skill it takes to find a chair that’s just cute enough to still be shabby chic instead of only shabby. But this is not a man. This is a demon with man parts. There’s a difference. Right?

7. When you realize you don’t know how to unsummon a demon, do not panic. Furthermore, do not kick over your shabby chic chair when the demon tells you he is now eternally sworn to do your bidding. What you’re trying to fix cannot be solved with the power of a demon, even if the demon offers to fix the furniture you just broke.

8. Grant yourself grace when you realize far too late that therapy is, perhaps, a better option than spellcasting when faced with trauma.

9. Be kind to yourself. Realize that generations of bruises and screams and hurts have made you terrified — gun shy, like a rabbit in the desert brush. And while there’s no spell to reverse the pain that’s led you here — you already knew that, even from the start — you know there are ways to break curses, magical or otherwise. And perhaps, with enough time, you can become a very good curse-breaker.

10. If you take a demon on a date, pay for his drink. Don’t worry too much about the whole “eternally sworn to do your bidding” thing. He’s totally into it.

© 2021 Ellen Meny

Who can be a curse-breaker

Ellen Meny is a writer living in Seattle, Washington. She began her illustrious literary career writing Pokémon fanfiction in middle school, and hasn’t graduated much past that. She has work in Nocturne Magazine, Aether/Ichor, and the flash fiction anthology Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove (Atthis Arts, 2019). Her muse is her hamster, Martini. Find her on Twitter and Instagram at @ellenmeny.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough section for The Rise of a Curse-Breaker adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. This adventure is available for students of Year 6 and above, and it should unlock after reaching Chapter 7 of Year 6. During this adventure, you will get to know Wingardium Leviosa Kid, and learn that he wants to become a curse-breaker. He’ll admit that he was inspired by you, and he will ask you to teach him how to become a curse-breaker. Needless to say, he will be very determined to pursue his dream, so you will get a unique opportunity to help him achieve it. However, it won’t be an easy task, especially since curse-breaking is serious business, and there are plenty of dangers on the road to becoming a curse-breaker. Does Wingardium Leviosa Kid have what it takes to become one? And do you have what it takes to guide him? Enter this extraordinary adventure and find out!

Once you start the adventure, you will have 3 days and 21 hours to complete it, which should be plenty of time under normal circumstances. Like most other adventures, this one also consists of four parts. Each of those parts will be extensively covered in our Walkthrough, and below you can find the links for each individual part of the adventure. So what are you waiting for? Help Wingardium Leviosa Kid become a curse-breaker, and who knows, you might even become friends in the process.

  • PART 1
  • PART 2
  • PART 3
  • PART 4


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Who can become a Curse

Q. Who can be a Curse-Breaker? - Any magical being.

What is a Curse

A Curse-Breaker is a profession at the wizard's bank Gringotts, in which a wizard or witch disables or counters curses in ancient tombs or other historical sites, in order to bring back gold to Gringotts. It is speculated that Curse-Breakers are almost the equivalent of Muggle archaeologists.

Which Weasley is a Curse

He was a curse-breaker for Gringotts Not only did Bill have goblins for colleagues – notoriously tricky customers – but he also got to do the majority of his work amid the pyramids of Egypt. He was pretty much the closest the wizarding world had to Indiana Jones.

What Owls Do you need to be a Curse

In order to qualify, an O.W.L. in Arithmancy was required, as some banking and transaction would be done.