Who to call when co2 alarm goes off

When a carbon monoxide detector sensor goes off, it can be scary. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless threat to you and your family’s health. Found in fuel-burning engines and several appliances, carbon monoxide can become a silent killer if not detected early enough. In this blog, we’re going to discuss what to do when a carbon monoxide detector goes off.

Who to call when co2 alarm goes off

First, let’s discuss what carbon monoxide is. Carbon Monoxide is a lethal odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas. Often mixed with other gases to make it detectable to the senses, carbon monoxide can be extremely harmful when ingested. Carbon Monoxide is the result of natural gases being partially burned. Fuels that are capable of releasing carbon monoxide include oil, gasoline, kerosene, propane, coal, and even wood. Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion, vomiting, and nausea.

What to do when a carbon monoxide detector goes off

A carbon monoxide alarm should never be ignored. If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning, you should evacuate immediately and call 911. If there are no noticeable symptoms, we highly recommend still staying in a hotel for the night and having the fire department or a qualified technician inspect the senor or possible sources of carbon monoxide. If leaving the home is not an option, make sure to open all windows and doors and take time to ensure all sources of carbon monoxide are turned off. After a carbon monoxide detector goes off once, there are a few possible reasons, but you should always take protective measures and contact local professionals.



Who to call when co2 alarm goes off

Can a carbon monoxide detector go off for no reason?

In most cases, no. There is typically a reason why the CO alarm is sounding, whether it detects carbon monoxide in the air or is low on battery. Most CO detectors beep every 30 seconds if the battery is low. In rare cases, the carbon monoxide detector may be malfunctioning, but this should be determined by a licensed professional.

Who to call when co2 alarm goes off

How do I know if my CO detector is working?

You may be wondering how to test your carbon monoxide detector. Every CO detector is different but typically there is some sort of “test” button allowing you to see if the alarm is in working order. Consult a user manual or call a Houston alarm expert if you have any questions or concerns.

Do I need a carbon monoxide detector?

Absolutely. Even if you do not have any known sources of carbon monoxide in your home, you are still in danger of unexpected circumstances and an alarm will notify you and your family when it matters most. We highly recommend having a trained professional come out to your home to determine the best places to have a carbon monoxide detector.

At Mesa Alarm Systems, our team of security professionals is capable of providing your family with the expertise and technology you need to keep your family safe from carbon monoxide. Have peace of mind we’ll use industry best practices to evaluate your home and install detectors where they’re needed most. Don’t second guess the safety of your family; call (281) 694-4313 to talk to a Mesa representative today!

Who to call when co2 alarm goes off
Most of the time when an alarm goes off in our lives it’s a drill or a fluke. We’ve become desensitized to them and don’t have the sense of urgency alarms are supposed to instill in us. But when your carbon monoxide alarm goes off, don’t ignore it.

Carbon Monoxide alarms are alerting you to a very high level of a deadly gas you can’t see or smell. When Carbon Monoxide builds up in a space, it replaces Oxygen and can cause you to pass out. Prolonged exposure can cause brain damage and death. For your safety, follow these steps.

  1. Get to fresh air The safest place to be when your CO alarm is sounding is outdoors. Get outside if you can. If you can’t leave the building for some reason, open as many windows and doors as possible. The fresh air will dilute the Carbon Monoxide.
  1. Don’t assume the problem is passed if the alarm quits sounding Once fresh air dilutes the Carbon Monoxide, the alarm might go silent. That doesn’t mean you’re safe. The source of the CO is likely still filling your space with the dangerous gas. The levels will temporarily fall when you introduce fresh air and allow the CO to escape but it can build up again.
  1. Call for help Call 911 when your CO detector goes off. Emergency responders are trained to identify and treat the symptoms of CO poisoning. Firefighters are also equipped to find the source of Carbon Monoxide leaks and to stop them.
  1. Really, don’t be afraid to call 911 You might feel silly calling 911 when an alarm goes off and you don’t see any evidence of an eminent threat to you, your family or your home. But CO is a fatal gas. Unintentional and non-fire-related CO poisoning kills about 170 people every year in the United States, according to information from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

    Beyond the dangers of the gas, small hard-to-detect fires are often the source of Carbon Monoxide build-up. Calling for emergency help could prevent a major fire in your home. You can also contact your local utility.

  1. Contact the Energy Resource Center for long-term solutions If emergency responders discover that the CO source is a broker furnace or other important household appliance, contact the Energy Resource Center. We conduct free home energy audits and home improvements to increase efficiency and safety for income-qualified homeowners and renters in the Denver Metro Area, the Pikes Peak Region and the San Luis Valley.

Who to call when co2 alarm goes off

What should you do when the co2 alarms sounds?

Silence the alarm. Move everyone immediately to fresh air-outdoors or by an open door or window. Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for. Call your emergency services, fire department, or 911 and tell them your carbon monoxide alarm has triggered.

Is carbon monoxide alarm an emergency?

While it's important to call 9-1-1 if your CO alarm is sounding continuously without stopping, a CO alarm that chirps every 30 seconds is not an emergency. It probably means your CO alarm has reached its end of life and should be replaced. CO alarms have a life expectancy of around seven years.

How long does a carbon monoxide alarm go off for?

Carbon Monoxide Levels That Will Set Off Your Alarm.

Why did my co2 alarm go off?

Your carbon monoxide alarm is going off for one of the following reasons: It is doing its job properly and detects CO pollution in the air. It is a false alarm caused by other household items. The detector is malfunctioning or the batteries need changing.