Why am i bleeding even though my period is over

Why am i bleeding even though my period is over

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Why Am I Spotting After My Period?

We all know that on average, it takes 28 days for a woman to get her period, and bleeding usually lasts 4 to 5 days. Some women can have longer times between periods and more or fewer days of bleeding while still having completely regular periods. Additionally, there are women who may have spotting after their period. 

Why does this happen? The body each month prepares itself for pregnancy. This involves the thickening of the lining of the uterus and the release of an egg from the ovaries. The levels of estrogen and progesterone drop if there is no pregnancy, causing your body to begin menstruating. On a monthly basis, the uterus sheds its lining, and this lining is expelled from your body along with some blood. Most women may not experience spotting after each period while other women may experience occasional or frequent spotting.  If there is frequent spotting after your period, it’s possible there may be something going on like having fibroids. If you experience bleeding or spotting in between periods and would like to speak with one of our doctors at USA Fibroid Centers, click here.

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How to Stop Spotting After Period

While bleeding isn’t necessarily normal after a period ends, it’s not usually a cause for concern. It is quite common to spot in-between periods. But, how do you make your spotting stop? Aside from keeping your general health in check and taking care of any existing medical conditions, there’s not much you can do to stop spotting on your own after your period.  If you are spotting, consult with a doctor about what can be done to stop spotting after your period.

Normal vaginal bleeding occurs each month during a woman’s menstrual period. During different stages of your life, you may experience different levels of vaginal bleeding. Basically, bleeding between menstrual cycles refers to vaginal bleeding that occurs after your period. Blood loss afer a menstrual cycle can be light, heavy, or both. 

You may ask, “If I have already had my period, why am I spotting?”  A number of things can cause blood spotting after the period is over. It may be due to changes in your hormone levels, the use of hormonal contraception or contraceptive devices, an infection, or an injury.

Bleeding after periods can also occur because of the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the cervix 
  • Abnormalities in the cervix or uterus 
  • Fibroids 
  • Polyps
  • Endometriosis 
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Start of a miscarriage 
  • Cancer

If you have spotting or bleeding after periods, you may want to consult with a doctor at USA Fibroid Centers as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Is it Normal to Spot After Period?

When women ovulate, they may bleed slightly or spot after their period. It may be due to a temporary decline in estrogen levels that occurs between 10 and 14 days before their period. Blood spotting after a menstrual cycle, especially if you’ve already had a period, may occur if the uterus didn’t flush its inner lining entirely. 

It’s possible to see a spot or two of blood between menstrual cycles. If your menstrual cycle seems to be changing, you may want to consult with a doctor at USA Fibroid Centers, because it may indicate something more serious, such as fibroids,  is going on.

If you have fibroids or an endometrial polyp within the uterus, it may cause bleeding between menstrual cycles. An ultrasound is able to determine if this is the reason you might be spotting. A polyp is a small, abnormal growth of tissue that can develop in many places, such as the cervix or uterus. Most polyps are non cancerous or benign. 

Additionally, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia or gonorrhea can affect the cervix and cause blood spotting after menstruation has ended. 

How to Stop Spotting after Period?


​​It is possible for fibroids to cause bleeding between periods. Women who suffer from uterine fibroids commonly experience heavy menstrual bleeding, but the tumors can also cause breakthrough bleeding.

If you experience blood spotting after the period is over and are experiencing other symptoms that might indicate fibroids, concerned, contact USA Fibroid Centers. Once a diagnosis is determined, our team of specialists will coordinate a personalized plan of care with you.


Why am I Spotting a Week after my Period?

Why am i bleeding even though my period is over
You may already have had a period, but spotting could happen if the uterus hasn’t been able to flush out all the unused lining during your menstrual cycle. It isn’t necessary to be concerned unless your period starts again shortly after it ends.

Hormonal changes, injury, or an underlying health condition may be reasons for bleeding between periods. Additionally, spotting or bleeding before or after your period can be caused by oral medication, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and PCOS. Less commonly, spotting can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or cancer.

What Does Spotting After Period Mean?

Menstrual bleeding occurs when the endometrium is shed monthly, and spotting can happen any time between periods.  

When a woman spots, it may mean any of the following:

  • a growth in your uterus or cervix
  • stress
  • a change in medication
  • a miscarriage
  • vaginal dryness
  • a hormone imbalance
  • cancer 

To get an idea about where the blood comes from when spotting, if it is heavy spotting, it likely comes from your uterus, and for spotting that is lighter, it can be from your cervix or vagina.

 Just like with anything else that happens with your health, changes within your body or any medications you are taking can affect your menstrual cycle, including whether you spot or not.

Hormonal Oral Contraception

 Spotting is a common side effect of hormonal oral contraception, especially during the first few months of starting it. If you’re taking combined contraceptives, you may have spotting that goes away after a couple of months. If the spotting doesn’t go away, your pill may not be the best fit for you, and you may want to consult with your doctor and try another brand with a different formulation of it.

 Spotting might also occur if you forget to take your pill or if you are not consistent with taking it at the same time. Without consistency, it may affect the levels of the hormones in your body and cause you to spot.

 If you missed taking your daily contraceptive pill and got your period, it is actually called withdrawal bleeding. 

 Pregnancy spotting is a common symptom of pregnancy in its early stages. Spotting is experienced by about 1 in 4 women during the early stages of pregnancy. Usually, spotting is nothing to worry about, but spotting that is heavier or bleeding is more concerning. Check in with your healthcare provider if you are pregnant and experiencing bleeding. 


 Physical Conditions and Infections 

 If I already had my period, why am I spotting? Spotting can be caused by infections and physical changes in the reproductive tract or if you have hormonal imbalances. Physical conditions that can cause spotting include fibroids, polyps, or endometriosis.

 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) occurs when certain pelvic infections like STIs go untreated and may lead to spotting. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and unusual vaginal discharge, PID can cause fever. If you have spotting and other associated symptoms of PID or of physical pelvic conditions, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. 

 Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) 

 Urinary tract infections can cause bleeding from the urethra. Having pain when urinating as well as noticing a small amount of blood while urinating can be signs of a UTI. 

 Sexual Intercourse

 It is not normal to spot continuously after penetrative vaginal contact. In many cases, bleeding after sex can be caused by cervix or polyp issues.Some women may experience spotting after having sexual intercourse for the first time, and this is normal. Talk to your healthcare provider if you notice continuous spotting after sex. 

 Ovulation and/or Hormonal Issues 

Spotting after a period can also occur around the time of ovulation. It’s unclear why some women experience ovulation bleeding while others don’t. It may mean there is a higher level of hormones.


Can I Fast if I am Spotting After My Period?

While menstruating, it is best not to fast especially  if you are spotting.In certain religions,  women and girls may not be required to participate in the fasting prayer rituals.At the time of your menstrual cycle, it’s best to avoid fasting, and if the bleeding persists and menstruation does not stop, it might lead to vaginal bleeding. Spotting after your period is when a small amount of blood is shed during a period, but not enough to be considered a period. Regardless, it is best not to fast if you are spotting.


Why am I Cramping and Spotting After my Period?

You may experience cramps like aching, sometimes severe, pain or pressure in your abdomen or pelvis after your period. It is possible while experiencing cramping and light bleeding or spotting after your period has ended.For instance, brown discharge from the vagina can occur before or after a period. This may occur when you notice blood in the discharge as the period starts or after a period.Some women may have blood remaining in their uterus after their period has ended. In such cases, the uterus may contract to remove the blood. As the old blood is forced out, these contractions can cause cramping and brown or black spotting.If you experience brown discharge and cramping after your period, it may be caused by early pregnancy, Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or early miscarriage. Also, if you have had a miscarriage, you may have bleeding and cramps.Vaginal discharge that is brown in color can occur at certain times of the month, such as before or after a period. Blood can appear in the discharge as the period begins or old, dried blood can leave the vagina after a period.


Regardless, it is advisable to pay attention to your health and body and be aware of any changes or symptoms you may be experiencing. This includes any changes or discomfort you may be experiencing with your menstrual cycle. Spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods doesn’t have to be a concern unless you are noticing changes in your menstrual cycle every month. It is recommended to contact your doctor if you feel the bleeding is different from month to month. Your doctor can best answer your questions and get you the ideal treatment for your menstrual symptoms.

USA Fibroid Centers can be reached at 855.615.2555 or fill out our online scheduling form. If you prefer a telemedicine appointment, we offer virtual doctor visits. We look forward to helping you regain control of your life, whether we see you in person or online!