You make me feel unwanted letter

This letter I feel lonely and depressed, it is the expression of a withered heart because as love arrives, oblivion also arrives and there are many couples who lose their way and get carried away by swampy and dark paths where love dies captive from routine and fatigue.

We want to express the feeling that comes from the depths of a woman’s heart when her husband does not fulfill her expectations.

It is not easy to write a letter I feel lonely and depressed, because many times that loneliness is not seen, if it does not feel and hurts inside , and only those who carry it, with that weight that contaminates everything, is the one who can really express their sadness.

That is why we wanted to write this letter I feel lonely and depressed, like a cry for Help that demands time, importance, dedication, or simply for your partner to look at you again and discover in you, more than your body, your feelings.

Table of Contents

  • Letter I feel lonely and depressed
  • Letter to tell my husband that I feel lonely
    • Letter and words of sadness for my husband who is away from me

Today that the cold of the snow of your indifference covers me more often, I write this letter I feel lonely and depressed , because there is no worse loneliness than the one you feel when you have the person you love by your side, but they are not emotionally, because it has gone, it has been lost and you don’t know how to make it come back.

I need to tell you that, although the years have passed and sadness has made a nest in my heart, I continue to wait for you and yearn to see your smile again, which has been the light of my happiness.

Also to be able to feel a hug again and share our warmth on cold nights, but I only feel the ice that distills your distance, and that emptiness that you leave in my soul and that is impossible to fill.

I want to tell you through this letter that I feel lonely and depressed, that I do not find peace in my life when I know that, despite the efforts, nothing is enough and each time the distance from your love is more distant and it hurts me.

I do not know how we allow the suffocating habit to come and take over our space and the moments that did not need words to express our love.

We let him in and without any resentment he settled down to stay and make our surroundings a gray, apathetic and cold place, where demonstrations of love die and indifference flourishes.

Letter to tell my husband that I feel lonely

Now the caresses and kisses are imprisoned and forced to freeze to death, because of this loneliness that selfishly tries to distance our steps and hide the direction of our love, that is why we are so lost and so estranged.

But this letter I feel lonely and depressed , it is not a reproach but a call to wake up from this lethargy of monotony, to resume efforts and feel again that we must cultivate love every day in the heart of those we love.

Because otherwise everything will die, and no effort will suffice. But we still have time to regain hope and chase away the ghosts of routine that turned our love into an automatism.

To revive inspiration and romanticism is to give color to this gloomy environment and loosen the chains that bind our caresses, hugs and kisses, to rebuild smiles and feed a feeling that, although frozen, still breathes and palpitates to be together .

I ask you in this letter to my husband I feel alone, that you come back and wake me up from this nightmare that day by day consumes our time and makes us sad and unhappy 

Thus, to illuminate our path again so that our steps are not lost again and continue together forever.

Letter and words of sadness for my husband who is away from me

It is not easy to write words to describe the suffering that mutes your feelings and leaves you without the strength to continue.

That is why this letter makes me feel lonely and depressed, it is a bit of reality that we want to give away in this reflection.

But it does not seek to deceive and hide the truth of psychological abuse, much less draw a love that does not exist, to cover the love obsession.

We only hope that you can differentiate when the end has come and recognize when there is no love, and respect and appreciation for you has been lost.

The love letter that was meant for my old high school crush but never got delivered due to my undying fear and anxiety

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

The memory of you burns bright in the back of mind so much that the years have done nothing to help it fade. I wonder why that is. What is it about you that makes it so hard to forget? What makes you so special? What makes you different from everyone else? At this point, I don’t think I can give a simple answer, anymore. There is no part of me that can explain, or even come to understand, why I remember things like the sound of your laughter or the shape of your smile. Have I gone mad, at some point? Have I become too attached to the past, or have I confused or altered distant memories to make it seem as though there was something more? Was it never nothing more than pure attraction?

There is a part of me that can understand why people believe that love is (technically) not real. That attraction is merely nature, and anything more, we make up inside our heads. But if I learned anything over the years, it’s how powerful the human mind can be. How the brain can take an emotion or thought and make you feel something physically real somewhere in your body. If you think about it like that, then it doesn’t sound so strange when love makes people feel pain or happiness. When I think about love, I also think about what else could be possible. Like parallel worlds, alternate dimensions, time travel or reincarnation. I’ve been thinking about those things a lot, lately. Like maybe we are all made up of a past self. Perhaps, you and I have met before in the past of a different world. Maybe we were even in love in that world. Believing that would certainly make it easier for me to understand why I still feel so tortured whenever I think about all the missed opportunities I had to talk to you. Why I’m starting to forget most of the faces I’ve encountered before, except for yours. Why no one has been able to make me feel anything close to what I felt for you by just looking at you.

In my head, I know it’s unwise and pointless to allow yourself to become consumed by the past, but things are difficult to rationalize when it comes to you. And after looking back at it, over and over again, I finally came to realize and accept the fact that nothing could have been done to make things turn out any different. In simple terms, I was too unfit to be in a relationship. I was too selfish and undeserving. Perhaps, I still am. However, if we ever meet again, I’d like to show you how much I’ve changed. For now, I’ll hold on to the hope that maybe we will. And if we never see each other again, in this world, perhaps we’ll see each other in the future of another world. Maybe there, things would have gone differently between us, and I would have had the guts to confess to you. Truthfully, I hope there’s a world out there in existence, either in the past or future, where you and I could be together.

What to do if someone makes you feel unwanted?

How to Address Feeling Unwanted.
First, reflect on the feeling by yourself..
Have a conversation with your partner..
Switch things up romantically or sexually..
Speak to a therapist or relationship coach..

What do you say when you feel unwanted?

Say, “when you do ____, I feel unwanted because ______.” Or “when _______ happens, I feel that my need for ______ isn't being met.” If you can be honest with yourself and others, you are more likely to work through the problems and find solutions.

How do I write a letter to my husband about my feelings?

How to Write a Letter to Your Husband to Save Your Marriage.
Check your motivation..
Don't try to address everything in a letter to save your marriage..
Use 'I' and 'me' statements..
Be specific..
Ask for what you want..
Say what you're going to do..
Let your open letter to your husband sit for a day..
Don't hesitate to ask for help..

What does feeling unwanted mean?

By definition it is someone or something that is not or no longer desired. If you say that something or someone is unwanted, you mean that you do not want them, or that nobody wants them.


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