Delta airlines interview questions for customer service

Delta airlines are among the leading and oldest airlines in the USA. It is a dream of a lot of people to work with this company since it is one of the well-paying airlines in the united states of America. However, Delta airlines only employ the most skilled talents. Their interviews are also competitive and one must prepare well to emerge as the best candidate for the job. The following are the top 25 questions that the hiring manager is likely to ask during the interview. We have also prepared sample answers to help you know how to respond to each question.


1. Why Do You Feel You Are Qualified For This Role?

Besides having a degree in hospitality management, I am a friendly flight attendant with 4 years of experience in overseeing the comfort and safety of passengers on board. In the course of service, I have gained a lot of experience in maximizing revenue and improving customer satisfaction, performing safety checks, demonstrating safety routines, serving snacks to passengers, and attending flight briefings. Besides, I have strong customer service, interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills. I am fluent in English and flexible to work different work schedules. Based on my skills, experience, qualities, and training, I believe that I am the best candidate for this role.

2. Describe The Experience That You Have That Relate To The Role That You Have Applied

I have been working with Qatar airlines for two years now. My tasks involved performing pre-flight safety checks as well as making sure that the plane is clean. I would provide information and support to make sure that the safety of our passengers is intact. During this time, I demonstrated safety and emergency measures to passengers including the use of seat belts, exit doors, and oxygen masks. Should you offer me this opportunity, I will use my experience to make a success in this role including welcoming passengers, verifying passengers’ tickets as well as directing them to their seats.

3. What Do You Think Will Be Your Duties Once You Get Hired?

I have read your job posting for this role and I am comfortable with the roles you have described including:

  • Attending a pre-flight briefing to be assigned working positions for the upcoming flight
  • Performing pre-flight tasks such as inspecting the safety equipment, conducting security checks, ascertaining that all meals are on board, and ensuring the plane is clean and tidy among others
  • Welcoming passengers on board as well as directing them to their seats
  • Briefing passengers regarding safety procedures
  • Ensuring that luggage is securely stored
  • Confirming whether the seat belts and galleys are secure before the plane takes off
  • Serving refreshments and meals
  • Ensuring that passengers land safely
  • Checking to ensure that no luggage is left behind in the overhead lockers
  • Ensuring that no stowaways or suspicious items are on board
  • Writing a flight report

4. What Kind Of Strategies And Mindset Are Required For This Role?

To succeed in this role, you must perform pre-flight tasks such as inspecting the safety equipment, conducting security checks, ascertaining that all meals are on board, and ensuring the plane is clean and tidy among others. Before the plane takes off, one must brief the passengers on board about their safety. A customer care mindset is very important in this role. One must be friendly while welcoming passengers on board as well as directing them to their seats.

5. How Do You Stay Motivated At Work?

I know this job can be emotionally and physically demanding, therefore, I have learned to work under pressure to keep up with the requirement of this role. I handle all passengers diplomatically since I understand the need to exercise good customer service. I brief them about their safety before the plane takes off in a simple manner to ensure that they understand what is required of them.

6. What Qualities Do You Possess To Help You Perform This Role Effectively?

Besides having the required academic specifications, I have strong communication, interpersonal, and customer care skills. I have good hearing, vision, general health, and fitness. I am assertive, diplomatic, and tactful.  I can remain calm when handling difficult passengers as well as emergencies. Additionally, I can keep a cheerful countenance irrespective of the situation such as standing for long hours and being out of my time zone.

7. What Major Challenges Did You Face During Your Last Role? How Did You Manage Them?

The biggest challenge I faced was traveling for long hours and waking up very early. It was very tiresome and was affecting me negatively. Most of the time I found myself lonely having to spend the night alone in a hotel after a long flight.  However, I had to remain focused on my career. This task also became repetitive and this helped me to get used to the nature of the job. Today, I have gotten used to every part of this job and I enjoy it.

8. What Is The Biggest Challenge You Foresee In This Job?

The biggest challenge that I foresee in this job is maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  It is easy to lose the sense of balance in sleep patterns and diet hence resulting in an unhealthy lifestyle. Additionally, radiation from flying might cause health issues such as skin cancer to those who fly a lot.

9. Describe A Time You Failed In This Role And The Lesson You Learned?

During my last role as a flight attendant, I was always receiving duty calls. At home, I hardly had enough time to relax. I would be called sometimes at 5 a.m and 4 a.m at other times. So, one early morning I didn’t hear any of the calls. My boss always knew that I would never fail to show up, but that morning I didn’t show up on time. I reported two hours after the last call. By that time, my flight was already at another destination. From that time going forward, I made sure to know my next day’s reporting time before leaving the office. That helped me to set my alarm and reminders just to ensure that I woke up on time.

10. Share With Us Your Greatest Achievement

The proudest moment of my career is when I was recognized by the flight crew for offering outstanding service during domestic lights.  This gave me the morale to continue doing my best for our passengers knowing that my services get appreciated.

11. This Role Requires Strong Customercare Skills. Highlight Some Examples Of Your Customer Service

I give passengers a good welcome as they board the plane. I greet them with a smile and I direct them to their seats. I am friendly to them and helpful when they need or enquire about any service while on a flight. Additionally, I listen to their concerns and preferences without interrupting them as they speak before I can give them my views.

12. Demonstrate A Time That You Went Beyond For Passengers.

One time when I was serving meals to passengers, one of them requested a meal that I later realized he was having difficulties eating. However, he pretended that everything was fine but I could tell that he was uncomfortable. I decided to reach out to him in a very wise way. I asked him whether he liked the food and he said yes. I told him that I like that meal too but when served with chili sources and some greens. I asked him to try it with chili sources and greens too which he agreed. When I added them to his meal, I could tell that he really enjoyed it. When I was collecting the dishes, he thanked me and disclosed that in the beginning, it was hard for him to eat but eventually he was happy with the meal.

13. This Job Can Be Emotionally And Physically Demanding. Do You Have The Ability To Cope With The Nature Of This Job?

I understand the nature of this role. It requires me to work for long hours and I know that this can be tiresome. However, I can work under pressure and yet produce positive results. Previously, I worked on an air cabin crew and I didn’t have issues working for long hours or even waking up early. Besides, I am prepared to handle this kind of job both physically and mentally.

14. How Would You Handle A Situation In Which Two Passengers Are Causing A Disturbance In The Plane?

I would try calming them down by simply speaking with them as I also ask for assistance from other passengers. I would also inform them of what would happen to them if the situation is not resolved such as landing at the nearest airport. I would also let them know that I would issue a passenger-disturbance report that will see them get arrested by police upon landing. If the situation de-escalates, we would go on with the journey but I will ensure to warn them not to repeat such behaviors. If the situation fails to improve, I will alert the pilot so that he or she can find a safe destination to land to have the passengers removed from the plane.

15. Highlight Types Of Passenger Behaviour That Can Cause Problems On Flights

Disruptive behaviors aboard a flight can affect the safety of everyone on the plane. Such behaviors include refusal to consent to security checks, drug intoxication, disobeying security instructions, endangering the safety of aircraft, acting in a disorderly manner, or using abusive, threatening, and insulting words.

16. How Would You Clean An Airplane Cockpit?

I would use a lint-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol to wipe the airplane cockpit. I would begin by wiping the screen without letting the liquid run down the screen. I will then leave the screen for 30 seconds to allow the moisture to evaporate. Then clean the screen with an avionics screen cleaner such as cloth. I would follow the same process to wipe bezels and knobs. I would then clean other parts such as flight controls, and power quadrants with a solution of 10% Clorox in water.

17. Do You Prepare Meals On The Plane?

No. Meals are not prepared on the plane. They are prepared on the ground before the plane takes off in a catering facility near the airport. The food is then transported to the plane and stored in refrigerators. The flight attendants will heat that food as they serve passengers on board.

18. If You Pour Food On The Passenger While Serving Meals, How Would Be Your Reaction?

I would first convey my apologies to the passenger for pouring food on him or her. I would go ahead and explain that the incident was not intentional. Rather, it was by accident that I poured him or her food. I will also seek to respond to any concerns the passenger may have regarding the mess. I will work with the passenger to ensure all issues are settled.

19. How Would You Go About Satisfying A Passenger Who Doesn’t Plan To Use Delta Airlines Because Of A Bad Experience?

First, I would seek to understand what led to the bad experience. Once I know what made the passenger feel bad, I will go ahead and convey my apologies. I would also make it up to the passenger while remaining within the limits outlined by Delta airlines. I would also assure the passenger that such an incident will not occur again.

20. Why Do You Think Knowing More Than One Language Is  Important In This Role?

Passengers come from different regions and countries and speak different languages. Thus, knowing two or more languages adds to excellent customer service. It becomes easier to build customer relationships when you communicate with passengers in their own language. A passenger may become more comfortable when he or she is addressed in the language he or she is most comfortable with. Recently, I enrolled to learn a third language.

21. What Do You Understand By Aircraft Pressurisation Systems?

Aircraft Pressurisation Systems are part of the life support systems needed to keep aircrew and passengers fit for flight during high altitude levels. The system ensures the safety and comfort of those on board by controlling the cabin pressure as well as the exchange of air from the inside of the aircraft to the outside.

22. Why Should You Write An Occurrence Report?

I believe that it is important to write an occurrence report for it helps in improving aviation safety.  This is thorough reporting of safety information which is then collected and stored safely. The information is then exchanged, disseminated, and analyzed to improve this industry.

23. There Are Many Inspections Performed Before A Plane Can Take Off. Take Me Through How You Perform Cabin Inspection

I first ensure that I have an airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, operating handbook, weight, and balance data. I then go ahead to remove the control wheel lock to ensure that the ignition switch is off and that the keys are not in the ignition. I then switch on the master switch. Next, I check the fuel quantity. Once, I get done inspecting the fuel tanks, I lower the flaps and master switch off. Finally, I ensure that the valve is on. From here I head to conduct the exterior and other inspections.

24. What Is Your Greatest Strength That Relates To This Role?

I am customer-centric, friendly, and positive. I always ensure to deliver exceptional customer service to all passengers every day. I greet them well and in a friendly manner before I can direct them to their seats. I have been able to relate well with most of the passengers through the help of my strong communication and interpersonal skills. I have realized that most of the passengers, greet me by my name even when I do not have my badge indicating that they have known me. Additionally, I can keep a cheerful countenance irrespective of the situation such as standing for long hours and being out of my time zone.

25. If I Asked Your Referees To Describe You, What Do You Think They Would Say?

I believe they would describe me as a caring, professional, responsible, and person who exceeds expectations. I understand that I am responsible for the safety of passengers and that is why I take the safety and health of passengers seriously. Before the plane can take off, I normally use simple language to explain to passengers about the safety and security measures they need to take in case of emergencies.

Before then I thoroughly perform pre-flight tasks such as inspecting the safety equipment, conducting security checks, ascertaining that all meals are on board, and ensuring the plane is clean and tidy among others


After practicing these questions and answers you will get insights into what the interview may be like. However, Ensure to review the bank’s website to get insights into their products and services. This will help you handle any other question that is not listed above.

What questions are asked in a Delta interview?

Delta Interview Questions And Answers.
Tell us about yourself? Talk about your hobbies, previous work experience, and education. ... .
Why do you want to work for Delta? ... .
What is your greatest strength? ... .
What is your greatest weakness?.

What are Delta's core values?

Delta has strong core values of honesty, integrity, respect, perseverance, and servant leadership. Our Rules of the Road define who we are and provide a solid foundation for Delta's culture. Our family of 75,000+ employees take great pride in the success of our company.

Why do people want to work for Delta?

Why Do You Want Delta to Hire You? Ans: You can narrate you enjoy working with different people from various cultures. At the same time, you enjoy traveling to different countries and cities. You can also talk about a potential career with Delta that permits you to serve customers and travel the world.

What does a customer service agent do at Delta Air Lines?

At Delta, our brand is critical to our continued success. As a Customer Service Agent, you play a key part in keeping our brand strong by demonstrating strict adherence to uniform compliance, maintaining professionalism, and exhibiting a positive attitude inside and outside of work.