Difference between master of science and master of engineering

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A Master of Science in engineering (abbreviated MSE, M.Sc.Eng. or MScEng) is a type of Master of Science awarded by universities in many countries. It is an academic degree to be differentiated from a Master of Engineering. A Master of Science in engineering can require completion of a thesis and qualifies the holder to apply for a program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (often abbreviated Ph.D. or D.Phil.) in engineering, while a Master of Engineering can require completion of a project rather than thesis and usually does not qualify its holder to apply for a Ph.D. or D.Phil. in engineering. The Master of Science in engineering is considered equivalent to diplom degree in engineering in the countries that do not have a specific distinction between M.Eng. and M.Sc.Eng.

Equivalent degrees are:

  • DNI (Diplôme National d'Ingénieur) name in Tunisia;
  • Dipl. ing. (Diplôme d'ingénieur) before name, France;
  • Dipl.-Ing. or DI (Diplom-Ingenieur) before name, Austria;
  • Dipl.-Ing. (Diplom-Ingenieur) before name, Germany
    (Phased out due to Bologna process; also with additions such as "FH", "DA" or "DH");
  • DI (Diplomi-insinööri/diplomingenjör), Finland;
  • Diplomatouchos / Διπλωματούχος + professional title (e.g. for Diploma Civil Engineer: Diplomatouchos Politikos Michanikos / Διπλωματούχος Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, shortened Dipl. Pol. Mich / Διπλ. Πολ. Μηχ.), Greece;
  • Ing. (Ingegnere) before name, Italy;
  • Ing. (Inženýr) before name, Czech Republic;
  • Ing. (Inžinier) before name, Slovakia;
  • Ir. (burgerlijk ingenieur or bio-ingenieur, not to be confused with civil engineering) before name, The Netherlands/Belgium (NL);
  • Ir. (Ingénieur Civil, not to be confused with civil engineering) before name, Belgium (FR);
  • Civ.ing. (Civilingenjör, not to be confused with civil engineering), Sweden;[1]
  • Siv.ing. (sivilingeniør, not to be confused with civil engineering), Norway;
  • mgr inż. (magister inżynier) before name, Poland;
  • Cand.polyt. (Civilingeniør, not to be confused with civil engineering), Denmark;
  • okl. mérnök (okleveles mérnök), Hungary;
  • Yük. Müh. (Yüksek Mühendis) before name, Turkey

See also[edit]

  • Engineering education, about the structure in many different countries


  1. ^ "Qualifications". Swedish Higher Education Authority. Retrieved 15 March 2020.

Hello! Are you confused between MEng and MSc? If that is the case, let me assure you that you’ve come to the right place. It is quite common for students to get confused between the two. More often than not, students tend to ignore certain factors that they could have considered in a Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. To gain clarity on which is the right course for you, read further, compare, and conclude.

Masters Of Engineering

Typically abbreviated as ME or MEng, a degree in Masters of Engineering offers programmes that focus on practical skill development. These programmes emphasize engineering in the context of business management and promote skills that will help you move into leadership roles.

Masters Of Science

A Masters of Science degree or MSc involves a competitive admission process. Submitting a thesis along with your research proposal is a mandatory requirement but this again depends on your study programme.

M.Eng. Vs M.S: Programme Comparison

In a Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison, you’ll see several similarities and differences in the programmes offered, course structure, duration, admission etc. ELaborating upon these differences:

Requirements For Admission

For both MEng as well as MSc, the admission requirements are pretty much the same. They include:

  • A minimum GPA of at least 3.0
  • 3 to 5 letters of recommendation
  • Should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, or another related scientific field of study
  • However, for an MEng degree, you should also have completed an engineering-based calculus course as well as the GRE test.

Length Of The Programme

When it comes to the programme length, that’s when you see slight differences in a Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison. For a degree in MSc, you can expect to take thirty credit hours of work spanning over three to four semesters in addition to completing a thesis. The average time required for the completion of a Master of Science is between one and a half to two years.

On the other hand, students who choose MEng. can expect the process to take around a year to complete. Like a Master of Science, you are required to complete thirty credit hours, but you can sometimes do this in just two semesters. The time for completion can be shortened if you have completed an internship or have transferable credits that are equitable to the required coursework.

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Course Requirements

A Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison is handy when you take course requirements into account. An MSc degree, unlike MEng. does not require many of the core engineering classes to be taken to fulfil graduation requirements. Instead, students focus on research rather than coursework on the way to their degree.

Students who choose MEng. will find that it is different from MSc in that it requires completion of a certain set of core engineering courses. Such courses can include but aren’t limited to structural mechanics, biomedical systems, design and manufacturing, and systems engineering. The number and variation of courses will depend on which area of focus a graduate wishes to pursue.

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Career Outlook 

Let us take a look at the difference between Master of Engineering and Master of Science in terms of career outlook:

For MEng:

As a part of their coursework, students pursuing this degree path are required to take up an internship. Most students often have a job waiting for them upon graduation thanks to internship work. They typically enter the industry right away and secure jobs like:

  • Software Developer
  • Senior Electrical Engineer
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Structural Engineer

For MSc:

Unlike those with a Master of Engineering degree, students with this particular degree tend to focus more on the research aspect of the field rather than working directly in the industry itself. As such, those looking to secure a PhD should select this degree path.  Those who pursue this particular degree usually tend to become the following:

  • Project Managers
  • Quality Managers
  • Higher Education Lecturers
  • Biomedical Engineers

MEng Vs MSc: Jobs And Salary

Jobs: In a Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison, when it comes to jobs, while there are a few differences in the jobs you can take up, there isn’t much distinction in actuality. With either degree, you can secure pretty much any job within the field of engineering that they wish. Those with a Master of Science tend to have a slightly greater chance of being hired due to their ability to advance in their education toward a PhD, but the difference is very negligible.

Salary: There isn’t a difference in terms of salary either, as it relates to degree choice. Whether you have a Master of Engineering or a Master of Science, those within a specific job tend to earn the same amount. There is a slight difference in the variation of jobs that you can do with each degree since those with a Master of Science can earn a PhD later on and lecture, whereas those with a Master in Engineering typically cannot.

To Conclude:

It all comes down to whether you’re looking for a chance for further education or whether you wish to start working immediately upon graduation. If you choose the former, an MSc would be suggested. If starting away with your career immediately is important to you, you can do an MEng course which is in fact of a shorter duration.

Thank you for reading this blog on the Masters of Engineering vs Masters of Science comparison. If you wish to read more, here are some blogs that might be of interest:

  • 6 Awesome Ways To Get Paid To Attend College
  • Top 5 Ways to Finance Your Studies Abroad
  • MS In Biotechnology Abroad: Everything To Know

Is Masters of Engineering same as masters of science?

Both degree fields require skills in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), although the ME degree may require more applied mathematics for engineering. An MS, though, focuses on your scientific knowledge and development, along with the use of technology to conduct research and analysis.

Is MEng easier than MSc?

What is this? For those who wish to become chartered engineers, the MEng will be the better choice. While it is possible to become a chartered engineer with an MSc, it is generally considered easier to achieve accreditation if you have an MEng.

What is the main difference between MS and MA?

A master's degree can be either a Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MS) and provides in-depth learning beyond a bachelor's degree. The key difference between the two degrees is that the former focuses on arts and humanities while the latter is geared more toward scientific and technical fields.