How often should u buy a new mattress

Sleep is essential for maintaining both good mental and physical health and preparing the mind for the upcoming day.

According to data from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), "Almost half of all Americans say they feel sleepy during the day between three and seven days per week."

If you're struggling with restlessness and you've ruled out sleep disorders or medical causes, it may be time to consider the comfort of your mattress.

Sleeping better in a hotel than your own bed and constantly feeling tired throughout the day? These are just some of the signs that your mattress might be on the way out.

How Often are You Supposed to Change Your Mattress?

Lucy Bolland, marketing manager from bed retailer Happy Beds, believes "Your mattress can have more impact on your sleep than you might think."

She told Newsweek: "Sleeping on an old or damaged mattress can make it difficult to fall asleep and could be stopping you from getting the rest that you need.

"Usually, mattresses need replacing every 6-8 years, but this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

"If you find that it's making more noise than usual, is noticeably saggy or damaged in certain areas, or you sleep better in other beds, it could be time to say goodbye to your old mattress."

James Benton, retailers "of all things slumber" Mattressman, agrees, adding: "Keeping your mattress clean is certainly needed for a hygienic sleeping environment, and it's extremely easy to keep on top of.

"When you change your, sheets gently vacuum the mattress surface in order to eradicate dead skin cells and dust. It's also a good idea to let the mattress 'breathe' for a couple of hours before you put fresh sheets back on."

How often should u buy a new mattress

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s time to replace your mattress, then chances are it probably is. Andrii Borodai/Getty Images

When to Change Your Mattress?

Sleep specialist Carl Walsh recommends investing in a good quality mattress as they are supposed to last between seven and 10 years.

He told Newsweek: "Throughout those years, you should be flipping your mattress every six months to spread out the wear-and-tear.

"Generally speaking it becomes quite obvious when it's time to change your mattress. Either there are visible signs of deterioration or you could begin to have trouble sleeping as you're not able to get comfortable, or waking up sore from a worn-down mattress'"

Lily Cameron, Fantastic Services' domestic cleaning expert and team supervisor, suggests it may come "as a surprise, mattresses, just like everything else, have a limited lifespan."

She told Newsweek: "You could easily tell if it is time to get a new one when yellow stains won't come off and bad smells recur after the mattress had a few good cleans.

"Oxidization of materials, excessive exposure to sunlight and moisture, are just some of the factors that will speed the aging process.

"And if you're unsure whether it's time to say bye to your old mattress, we recommend replacing it with a new one every eight to nine years."

Signs to Look Out For

Ross Thurston, from The Millbrook Bed Company, believes a mattress should typically be replaced every seven to 10 years, but the exact number will vary depending on the type of mattress you have.

She told Newsweek: "There are a few easy tell-tale signs that your mattress has come to the end of its useful life.

"Look for sagging in the mattress; can you see a dip in the position where you usually lie when you change your bed sheets? This is a sign that the top sleep layers aren't recovering after each sleep or that the coils or fabric support layer are weakening.

"Do you start to wake up with back pain where you didn't before, or realise that you had a better night's sleep after a night away? We don't always notice mattresses weakening over time and a night in a different bed can be, literally, a good wake up call to help you realize.

How often should u buy a new mattress

The average mattress lasts somewhere between 6-10 years. AndreyPopov/Getty Images

"Perhaps the most obvious sign that you need a new mattress is if you start to hear or see coils through the mattress sleep surface. Don't put up with weak coils as this will almost certainly disturb your sleep!

"If you find your mattress is uncomfortable for you but has plenty of life left in it, consider selling it or donating it. So many mattresses end up in landfill and it could be the perfect solution for someone else.

"And consider steps that you can take to prolong the life of your mattress; use a mattress protector and rotate or flip your mattress if it is recommended. This will preserve your mattress and give you more years of comfort."

How often should u buy a new mattress

Interior of large cozy bedroom with comfortable double bed mattress. shironosov/Getty Images

How can you tell when you need a new mattress?

Signs You Need A New Mattress.
Your Mattress Is Sagging. ... .
Your Mattress Makes A Lot Of Noise. ... .
Your Mattress Has A Bad Smell. ... .
Your Mattress Aggravates Your Allergies. ... .
You Wake Up In Pain. ... .
You Can't Get Comfortable. ... .
You Sleep Better On A Different Mattress. ... .
Your Sleeping Situation Has Changed..

Can a mattress last 20 years?

It's possible - but not likely - that a mattress can last 20 years. The longevity of your mattress depends on several factors, including how much wear and tear it undergoes and the quality of its parts. Some mattresses, like memory foams and latex, can last up to 15 years, much longer than the average innerspring.

How do I know if my mattress is bad?

7 Obvious Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Mattress.
#1 You're Waking Up Tired. ... .
#2 You Can't Seem to Fall Asleep. ... .
#3 You've Got the Sniffles. ... .
#4 You've Been Sleeping on the Same Mattress for Over 10 Years. ... .
#5 You're Experiencing Aches and Pains. ... .
#6 Your Mattress Looks and Feels Uneven. ... .
#7 You're Hearing Creaks and Squeaks..