How to check who unfollowed you on ig

Unlike Facebook where both parties are involved in forming a ‘friendship,’ Instagram takes a one-way approach where one person can ‘follow’ another person without the latter following them back. While this implementation has its advantages and disadvantages, one bit can be particularly annoying with it – ‘unfollowers’ or those who have unfollowed you. Since Instagram offers no built-in tool to detect ‘unfollowers’, users are often left scratching their heads, wondering who unfollowed them when the followers count dips unexpectedly. If you happen to be one of those then we’ve got you covered here.

The easiest way to find your ‘unfollowers’ and then return the favour of unfollowing them is by using a third-party app so that you don’t have to trouble yourself with doing it manually. The latter can be a very cumbersome process if you’ve got a lot of followers. There are a lot of apps available on the Play Store and App Store for this purpose, but we recommend FollowMeter as it’s easy to use and has got a super-polished interface.

Disclaimer: Sharing your Instagram credentials with a third-party application allows access to your account to said application. Proceed at your own discretion.

Track your unfollows using FollowMeter

You need to first download and install FollowMeter on your iOS or Android device. Setting up the app will require you to log in to your Instagram, which you can proceed with after tapping the “Login” button.

How to check who unfollowed you on ig
Followmeter is one of the best ways to keep track of your follower list on Instagram

You’ll be directed to the app’s main page then, where you’ll see a number of options to manage your followers. Normally, you’ll be able to track unfollows using the “Unfollowers” options but first-timers will need to visit the “Not following back” option to catch those who have stopped following you.

However, if inputting your Instagram credentials into a third-party app bothers you, then there’s another, manual method.

Sieve out unfollowers manually

By checking your own Followers list:

  • Open Instagram and head over to your profile using the icon located at the bottom-right corner of your screen.
  • Near the top, you’ll see a “Followers” option, tapping which will open up a list of all the people that follow you.
  • Using the search bar, type in the name of the account you think might’ve unfollowed you. If their name doesn’t pop up then they’ve unfollowed you.
  • If you’re unsure about the name, simply go through the list to find the user.

By checking the following list of the other user:

  • Alternatively, if you’ve already got someone in mind, you can simply use the search bar to find them. To access it, you’ll have to tap the search icon which can be found at the bottom left, on the right of the home button.
  • Input the name of the account you wish to check.
  • Go to their profile and tap on the ‘Following’ option.
  • If your own name appears on the list then they’re following you. If not, then either they unfollowed you or they never followed you in the first place.

Even though Instagram notifies you every time another user follows you, you won’t know if someone unfollowed you unless you check your profile. While there is no direct way of knowing who unfollowed your account, due to Instagram’s privacy policy, there are a couple of workarounds that can help you.

How to check who unfollowed you on ig

In this article, we’ll discuss how to find out who unfollowed your Instagram account.

You visit your Instagram profile, and you notice you have one follower less compared to the last time you checked. In other words, someone unfollowed you.

Although Instagram users with hundreds of thousands of followers might not care if someone unfollows them, people with non-famous accounts and only a hundred followers may be curious. This type of information can also be important for social media managers, influencers, and small online businesses. In these cases, the following-to-follower ratio can say a lot about your account. For others, not knowing who unfollowed you can simply be frustrating.

When someone follows your Instagram account, you’ll receive a notification immediately. If you have a private Instagram profile, you’ll get a follow request that you can either accept or decline. However, whenever someone unfollows your account, Instagram doesn’t send you any type of notification so as to protect that user’s online privacy. The same rules apply for your activity. If you unfollow someone, they won’t know unless they search for you in their “Followers” list and don’t find you.

One of Instagram’s newest features is the “Accounts You Don’t Follow Back” category in your list of followers. You can also see which accounts you interact with the least. However, there is no category for people who don’t follow you back.

There are two ways you can find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. The first one is done manually, and the second is through a third-party app. These two methods can also be used to check who never followed you back.

How to Manually Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

This method is a good option for Instagram accounts that don’t have a large number of followers. If you have more than one thousand followers, it will take you a long time to go through your entire “Followers” list. If there’s a big difference between the number of accounts you follow and the number of accounts that follow you, this might not be the best solution for you.

Basically, you can check who unfollowed you by comparing your “Followers” and “Following” lists. First, go to your “Following” list, choose one account, and then search for them in the “Followers” list.

If you want to check if someone specifically unfollowed your Instagram account, this is what you should do.

  1. Open your Instagram app on your mobile device.
    How to check who unfollowed you on ig
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
    How to check who unfollowed you on ig
  3. Go to “Followers” in the top-right corner of your profile.
    How to check who unfollowed you on ig
  4. Tap on the “Search” bar at the top of the page.
    How to check who unfollowed you on ig
  5. Enter the username of the person you suspect unfollowed you.
    How to check who unfollowed you on ig

If they aren’t on the “Followers” list, it either means they unfollowed you or they never followed you back in the first place.

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Through a Third-Party App

Since the manual method might be time-consuming, especially if you have a large number of followers, it’s much more efficient to install a third-party app.

There are several third-party apps you can use to check who unfollowed you, and most of them are free. Keep in mind that not all of these apps are reliable or safe to use, as they may offer incorrect information. Not to mention that a lot of these apps can’t track Instagram’s new API. So it’s important to download one that will produce accurate results.

Once you download a follower-tracking app, you need to sign in to your Instagram account through the app and give it permission to access your Instagram-related data. If you don’t feel comfortable giving away your data, you’re better off skipping this method.

These kinds of apps track your profile activity, not just who unfollowed you. For example, some apps will tell you who isn’t following you back, who you aren’t following back, who blocked you, who recently followed you, and so on. Some of these features require in-app purchases or upgrades to premium versions of the app.

Here are a few reliable third-party apps you can use to see who unfollowed your Instagram.

Reports: Followers Tracker

This app isn’t only useful for tracking who unfollowed you, but for various other engagement statistics as well. It can be very useful for social media managers and influencers. This app is easy to use, but it comes with some in-app purchases.

Reports: Followers Tracker lets you see who followed and unfollowed you, which profiles interact with your account, profiles that don’t follow you back, etc. It even lets you use multiple Instagram accounts at once. You’ll receive notifications about any account activity. You can even unfollow whoever you want directly from the app.

Follower Track for Instagram

This app lets you see who followed and unfollowed you, as well as accounts you don’t follow back or that don’t follow you. If you have more than one Instagram account, you can use this follower app to monitor all of them at once. It even reveals which of your followers engage with your profile and which don’t.

The Follower Track app is only available for iOS devices. It comes with a premium version that gives you access to exclusive features.

Followers Insights: Profile +

If you want to find out who unfollowed your Instagram profile, this app can help you. You can also use it to see who doesn’t follow you back and who blocked you. It reveals other types of information, like who views your Instagram Stories and visits your profile the most, and who follows you but doesn’t interact with your account.

Followers Insights: Profile + is available for iPhones and Android devices, and it comes with in-app purchases.


FollowMeter is available for both iOS and Android devices. It has a simple dashboard, and it’s easy to use. With this app, you’ll be able to track who unfollowed you and who doesn’t follow you back, who views your Instagram Stories the most, accounts that like your posts the most, users who blocked you, and more. However, some of these features are only available for the Plus Subscription.

You can also use this app to track “ghost” followers—Instagram accounts that follow you but don’t interact with your profile in any way.


The Followers app is available on the App Store and Google Play. It lets you see who unfollowed you, who followed you recently, who you aren’t following back, and who isn’t following you back.

Note that this app won’t notify you when someone unfollows you. You will need to open the app and refresh it, and it will reveal which users unfollowed you. If you want to unfollow the person who unfollowed you, you won’t be able to do it directly from the app. Instead, you’ll have to search for them on Instagram and unfollow them there.

If you sign up for the premium version, you will gain access to exclusive features, like daily reports, the ability to manage multiple accounts, deleted likes and comments, users who blocked you, and more.

Keep Track of Your “Unfollowers”

While you can always check who followed you on Instagram, finding out who unfollowed you is slightly tricky. One option is to check your “Followers” list manually, and the other is to install a third-party follower-tracking app. No matter which option you choose, you’ll be able to find out who unfollowed you one way or the other.

Have you ever tried to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram before? How did you figure it out? Tell us in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. This does not effect our editorial in any way.

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Can you find out who unfollowed you on Instagram?

To find out who unfollowed you, click on the first tab at the bottom left corner. Now, click on 'Unfollowers'. You can also find out who does not follow you by clicking on 'Not following you back'. To find out people that follow you, but whom you do not follow back, click on 'You are not following back'.

How do you know that someone unfollowed you on Instagram?

Go to their profile and tap Following. Type your account's name in the search. If it appears, they follow you. If not, it means either they didn't follow you originally, or they might've unfollowed you.