How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Learn this easy-to-follow method to remove a background from a photo in Photoshop!

This step-by-step Photoshop tutorial is geared toward beginners. We will use the Select and Mask Workspace to remove the background from our sample image.

Removing the background from a photo in Photoshop has never been easier! There are many methods and tools available to you to remove even the most difficult background.

In this tutorial, you will learn an essential background removal technique that should work in most cases and give you the best results.

To follow along, you can download the image for this tutorial here.

Remove a Background in Photoshop with “Select and Mask”

Time needed: 5 minutes.

Follow these simple steps to remove a background in Photoshop!

  1. Enter the Select and Mask Workspace

    Go to Select > Select and Mask. This dedicated workspace has all the tools you will need to create selections and refine its edges.

  2. Select the Foreground

    Start by selecting your foreground element. In some cases, the Select Subject button will be all you need. It utilizes artificial intelligence, known as Adobe Sensei, to analyze your image, and select the main subject.

    In more difficult images, you can manually select the main subject by using the Quick Selection Tool. Simply drag over the areas you would like to select. Photoshop will find the edges automatically.

  3. Refine the Selection

    No matter how you create your selection, you will need to fine-tune it. You can use the Quick Selection Tool, or the Brush Tool to add or subtract from the selection.

    With either tool, you can paint over the area you would like to deselect while holding Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS).

    The difference is that the Brush Tool will deselect only the areas you directly paint over. While the Quick Selection Tool will expand outward and automatically find and follow defined edges in the image.

  4. Refine the Mask Edge

    To remove a background in Photoshop and make it look realistic you need to have good mask edges.

    From the Global Refinement options, you can use the Smooth, Feather, Contrast, and Shift Edge sliders to improve your mask edge. These sliders will only affect the edges of the selection.

    Smooth: creates a smoother outline.
    Feather: Blurs the transition between the selection and the surrounding pixels.
    Contrast: Increases or decreases edge sharpness.
    Shift Edge: Moves soft-edged borders inward or outward.

  5. Output as a Layer Mask

    After you refine your selection, go to the “Output To” dropdown and select Layer Mask, then press OK.

  6. Add a New Background

    At this point, the background from your image should be gone!

    The next step is to change the background or add a Solid Color background.

Now that you know how to remove a background in Photoshop, try it with your own images!

To learn how to place a person in a different background, then make sure you check out my compositing secrets tutorial!

If you enjoyed this tutorial, make sure to follow PTC on YouTube! And tag us with the hashtag #PTCvids when you share your results on social media!

Final Image

Drag The Slider To See Before & After

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Jesús Ramirez is a digital graphics expert, speaker, and educator specializing in Adobe Photoshop. Jesús is best known as the founder of the Photoshop Training Channel, one of the most popular Photoshop YouTube channels in the world. More.

Follow: Instagram / YouTube / Twitter

It’s the question I get asked the most in my workshops and classes – “How do you change the background of an image?” Or “How can I cut my subjects out of an image and place them on a new background?”

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

A quick capture of my parents at a coffee shop. The BEFORE image.

Perhaps, despite your best efforts at placing your subjects in a pleasing, non-distracting environment, the situation made it impossible. Maybe you used your smartphone to capture a spontaneous moment and now the image needs a little background work? Maybe you want to cut your subjects out of the background to isolate them or use them on a website banner or other marketing material? Whatever the reason, this task has challenged every photographer, beginner or pro, since the invention of the camera! I’m going to show you how to use one of Photoshop’s most underrated tools for easily extracting your subjects from the background.

This photo (above) was a very spontaneous iPhone capture of my mom and dad, the photo itself isn’t great (lots of things wrong with it technically) but it has big sentimental value for me. It’s the last photo I have of my parents together.  But it also has a busy background which typically causes problems for many photographers when trying to use Photoshop’s Selection Tools to remove it. In previous Photoshop versions, selection tools like Magic Wand and Lasso would get confused by the similar colors, and patterns of this type of background, making it a difficult and frustrating project. But with a relatively new selection tool it’s pretty straight forward, so this is a good example photo for learning the technique.

In this demonstration, you can make this a stronger image by removing the cluttered background to make it less like a snapshot and more like a portrait. The secret of any image editing is to use the right tool for the job. In this situation you want to use the Quick Select Tool to remove your subjects from an image and place them on a different background.

In the past, you may have avoided most of the Selection Tools in Photoshop because they were not easy to use. The Quick Select Tool has changed all that. It has never been easier to make selections that don’t look like they were “cut and pasted.” There are two, or sometimes three steps.

Choose the Quick Selection Tool from the Toolbox palette:

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

It works like a Brush so you can change the size of the tool by using the [ –  ] keys on your keyboard (  [ to make it smaller, and ] to make it larger).  Give the tool a size that makes it easy to select your subject.

Step 1: Make your selection

Just drag the tool over your subject and stop when the “marching ants” get to the edge. The tool is smart and can detect the change in pixels so most of the time it will stop on the edge correctly. If it selects something that you don’t want it to, just click on the Alt key to switch to “deselect” mode and drag the selection back to where it should be.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

The Quick Select Tool selecting the subject with the “marching ants” outline.

Step 2: Refine the Edge

Once you’ve got everything selected as you want it, click on the Refine Edge button on the top menu. In this area, you’ll adjust the pixels around the edges of the selection. This will make the “cut” more smooth and realistic.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

The refine Edge tool opens a pop up that looks like this:

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

From here you can select how you want to view your selection against a few background options. You can select the Mask overlay which you may be familiar with if you’ve used layer masks before. This view allows you to see the background as well as your selection. But you can also check it against a black background, which I like, so you can clearly see how your edge looks and if you have selected everything accurately. To change views, click the drop-down to get the View Options box. Scroll through these to get a feel for how they display your data. The Adjust Edge sliders give you many options to smooth, feather, and further refine your edge if needed.

For now, select Black & White view mode. Hover over the Black & White Box and click.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

You should see something like this (below). You can see your edges very well against the black. You can see that the edges look okay, they are well defined, and not pixelated or blocky. But what about that hair? My poor dad with his fine and wispy (almost no hair), and my mom who had recently undergone chemo also has fine baby-like hair, making the hair selection task a bit of a challenge. But the Quick Selection Tool has a method for this too!

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Click the Edge Detection Smart Radius box and move the slider to the right just a bit. watch how the edge around the hair change to be a bit more transparent. Be sure to watch the rest of your edges to make sure they don’t change too much.

Step 3: If needed, use the Edge Detection Brush

If you still need to get more transparency for hair, make sure the brush icon on the left is selected and carefully brush around where you need more transparency. You can switch between the View modes to see what is being displayed or removed. If you remove too much you can click and hold the Refine Edge brush to reveal the Eraser which lets you undo your brush strokes, much like a regular layer mask.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

When you’re happy with your results, Look for the Output section at the bottom of the Refine Edge box, and click on Decontaminate Colors and select a small number as the amount, 2 is usually good, depending on your image.  Change Output To: New Layer with Layer Mask.

This is what you should see now:

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Note: to see the transparent background you must turn off the visibility of the bottom layer.

Your cluttered background is gone!  You have a nice transparent background and all on new layer. This will be your main image.

Add your new background layer

Open the image you want to use as your new background, and using the Move Tool, drag the new background into your main image. Voila! You have a great new background layer and your subjects look very realistic and not like cut and paste paper dolls.

You may have to drag the new background layer under the subject layer – the one with the mask. I’ve deleted the original Background layer and replaced it with the scenery background and called it new background. You could also make any existing background layer invisible if you don’t want to display it.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Here’s a 100% close up look at the job the Quick Select tool and Refine Edge brush did on my mom’s hair (yes the image is a bit shaky at 100%, but I think you can see that took works pretty well to give you very realistic extractions, with the right amount of transparency and detail preservation).

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

The finishing touches

So for the final image, let’s balance the colors a bit and give this photo a nice warm tone, by using a layer mask and a warming Photo Filter.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

And here is the final image:

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

Final image AFTER changing the background. Not a snapshot any more!

What do you think? Is it better than the original? Was it worth the 10 minutes to edit and give it a new background? Just imagine, with a well captured image (not a shaky iPhone capture) think  of all the new possibilities you will have if you master this process.

Why not give this nifty tool a try and post your results here – I’d love to see how you use this. If you have questions or problems, just let me know, I respond to my comments and questions regularly.

How to select subject and remove background in photoshop

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Alex Morrison

is a professional fine art and nature photographer, accredited by The Professional Photographers of Canada. She was the Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year in 2009. She teaches photography, runs workshops and online classes on fine art and nature photography, as well as infrared and iphone photography. Her educational website with photography tips is at View her art photography portfolio here. Alex has a coupon code for her Infrared Post Processing e-book, use DPSTKS to save $12.00.

I need help with...

How do I remove a background using the selection tool in Photoshop?

Duplicate the image layer. With your image open in Photoshop, right-click your Background layer and click Duplicate Layer. ... .
Select the Quick Selection tool. ... .
Paint the subject of the image. ... .
Clean up the selection path. ... .
Save your selection. ... .
Delete the background..

How do you select something out of the background in Photoshop?

Select an object or a region Select the Object Selection tool (W) from the toolbar in the workspace. In the Options bar, at the upper-right corner of the workspace, ensure that the Object Finder is enabled. Hover the mouse pointer over an object or region in your image you would like to select.

How do you delete everything but the selected object in Photoshop?

Now click on the image layer, then select Inverse under the Select Menu or press Control + Shift + I (Win) or Command + Shift + I (Mac). This will select everything except the object you originally selected. Then, simply hit the delete key to remove the background.