Internship confirmation letter from company to university

Internship Confirmation Letter format from Company to Students

Many students apply for internship (training) in companies to gain some practical experience in their professional study course during the term of the course. Generally, the course guidelines of their institutes prescribe for compulsory internship under professional guidance of the experts in any companies or firms. The internship period and pay scale varies among different course streams and companies to companies.

Internship confirmation letter from company to university

At first, a student has to select the company where he wants to pursue the internship. Then he has to make an application to that company (through their website or by writing to the HR department or through other modes) for approval of his internship in that company. If that company has requirements or vacancies for interns in that particular department, where the student wants to work and if the company finds the student eligible for the internship, then the company will send a confirmation or acceptance letter to the student conveying the approval of his internship with the company.

The format of such confirmation letter could be in a different format, mainly covering the following details: (1) Name of the department where the intern will work; (2) Name of the officer under which he will work; (3) Period of internship; (4) Internship fees to be paid; (5) Work areas; (6) Performance measures or expectations; and (7) Any other key job details.


(To be printed on the letterhead of the company)

Date: ....................

Ref: ........................


(Name of the Intern)

(Full Address)

(Contact No.)

Sub.: Your internship in our company in .............. Department

Ref: Your internship application dated ..................

Dear ..............,

We are pleased to inform you that your engagement as an intern in the .............. Department of our company ie ........................ Limited, has been approved. The terms of your internship with the company will be as follows:

1) You will work as an intern under the guidance of ........... Officer, ............. Department.

2) Internship period will be from (date) to (date).

3) You will be designated as 'Management Trainee' and posted under 'Cadre ....' as per the company policy.

4) You will be paid an internship fee of  (amount in figures) (amount in words) per month.

5) No additional privileges will be provided except one insurance policy on your life will be sponsored by the company.

6) Your performance will be evaluated from time to time and depending upon your performance, the company may award additional incentives to you.

7) Your promotion in the company depends solely upon your performance level and dedication towards the company. The Management of the company reserves sole discretion in the matter of promotion.

8) You will abide by the Code of Conduct and Ethics as prescribed for all employees of the company.

The appointment letter for your internship will be handed over to you once you confirm your acceptance to the above terms by (date) and communicate your decision to start the internship with our company.

We look forward to associate with you and wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at ............. any time during office hours from .... to .... with regard to your internship and formalities.

Have a nice day / evening!

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


(Name of the Officer)


  • Reference Letter Format
  • Internship Letters
  • Sample Internship Letter from Company

As it must be known to you, there are different stages of employment in the organization. The first stage is on internship which moves on to the probation and then to the final stage of confirmation. In most of the organizations, the stages are pre determined and have a specific time period which can be either decreased or increased depending on the performance of the individual. The terms involved here are also referred to as the employment terms and they differ from one company to the other. These terms can be toughest for those being on internship than those who are confirmed.

The internship letter is the first employment letter one gets that is usually given to an employee only to confirm him or her as an intern. The letter is handed to the employee when he or she reports to the company on the first day. The contents of the letter are usually discussed and negotiated between the employer and the employee at the time of taking the decision prior to join.

Below is a sample internship letter from company. This will help you have some idea as to how to write such letters.

Name of the organization

Street City, state and zip code


Dear Mr. / Mrs. (Student name),

This is to confirm that (Name of the organization) is offering (student's name) an internship position (Job title), beginning (Insert the start date) and ending (Insert the date when the internship will end). This employment will responsible to serve as a curricular practical training (CPT) which is associated with the academic program at the (name of the university) at (name of the place).

The location of the internship assignment will be (The address of the company). Your internship manger/ supervisor will be Mr. / Mrs. (the title department). You will be expected to work for (Insert the number of hours) and will receive $ (insert the amount) per hour. Your employment identification number is (Organization's EIN).

Your job responsibilities will include: (Insert the detail information on what the student will be doing and what will be his/her responsibilities).

On behalf of the company, I welcome you to (insert the organization).


Hiring manager or supervisor
(Job title)

Some points to know while writing internship letter:

  • The letter should be given as soon as the employee decides to join the organization
  • The letter should be clear and should spell out the terms and conditions mutually agreed by the employer and the employee
  • The letter should be written in the company letter head
  • The letter should be short and crisp and should include all the necessary information
  • It should contain the joining date so that there is no ambiguity about it
  • As it is the internship letter so it should specify the time period for which the person is likely to intern with the organization
  • The letter should be types as this will give a more business and official look to it
  • This is an offer internship letter to an employee and is not a favor so the tone of the letter should be not bossy
  • The designation at which the employee is joining must be mentioned in the letter
  • The language used in the letter should not be deeming the employee although this is an internship letter

Another sample of internship letter from a company is given below.

(Name and address of the employee)


Subject: Internship letter for the job post of (Insert the job title)

Dear Ms. / Mr. (Insert the name of the employee),

This is reference with the application for the post of (insert the job post) and the subsequent round of interviews that we have with you on (date when the interview took place).

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join the organization as (name of the designation). The joining date we have decided for you is (insert the joining date). This is to clarify that as to the HR policy your internship with us is for 6 months after which your performance will be evaluated. The status in the organization will be reviewed by the superiors of the company once the evaluation is done.

The terms of the employment have been discussed with you and the details are enclosed herewith for further reference.

For further queries or clarification, you can call any of the HR department and they will be glad to assist you.

Please note that the offer holds for 2 weeks from the date of the letter and if you fail to join us by the then, the offer will not be valid.

We believe that we have a strong lasting professional relationship with you.

Best Regards,

(Name of the signing authority)

The sample internship letter from company mentioned above is a basic layout of such type of letters.

How do I write an internship confirmation letter?

I am pleased to confirm your acceptance of an internship as (Title) in the (Department Name) with (Organization Name). Your duties and assignments for this position are as follows (brief description or attach job description). Your first day of work will be (date).

How do I confirm my internship offer by email?

Here is an example of an acceptance email response that you can use as a template. Dear Mr Lewis, Thank you for your offer of an internship with DataFirst for the summer of 2021. I am delighted to accept and am excited to have the opportunity to work with your coding team.

How do you send an internship Acknowledgement?

Thank you so much for your offer to intern with [company name]. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to speak with me and answer my questions. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept this offer. After careful consideration, I have decided to accept an intern position at another company.

How do you write an internship letter to a school?

How to write a cover letter for an internship.
State the exact role you're applying for. ... .
Use the right keywords. ... .
Include relevant coursework. ... .
Call out relevant skills. ... .
Explain why you're a good fit for the role. ... .
Describe what you feel you would gain from the internship. ... .
Review your cover letter before sending..