Medical laboratory technologist interview questions and answers

Tags: Interview Questions and Answers, Medical Technologist

Medical technologists work in laboratories, which is why their work is very important, and sensitive.

Hence, interviewers pay special attention when choosing a medical technologist.

In order to prepare for a medical technologist interview, you have to make sure that you know the work inside out.

Jotting down your skills and experience in this regard will go a long way in helping you pass the interview stage.

Preparing for a medical technologist interview process is not a problem if you have kept track of your experience and skills.

  • Medical Technologist Resume Sample

The following set of interview questions and answers will help you prepare:

22 Common Questions and Answers for Medical Technologist Interview

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

I am a passionate medical technologist and love every aspect of my work, and I am excellent at what I do. I have worked as a medical technologist for over 6 years now.

2. What duties have you performed in the role of a medical technologist position in the past?

I have performed a wide array of duties in this role. These include preparing samples for testing purposes, and performing tests as required. Also, my work includes establishing and monitoring programs to ensure the accuracy of test results. My work also involves cross-matching blood groups for transfusion, and chemically analyzing samples for toxic components.

3. What are some of the skills that you possess which make you an excellent person to hire at this position?

I am an extremely thorough individual, who possesses excellent organizational skills. I am well-versed in analyzing lab reports for accuracy, and can effectively operate and calibrate lab equipment. I am also proficient in collecting and studying blood samples to determine morphology. Moreover, I am skilled in ensuring that safety and sanitation standards are followed while performing all my tasks.

4. What do you like most about this work?

I love the fact that every day is a new one. I get to work on challenging processes every single day, and that is a great motivation for me.

5. What do you dislike most about this work?

More often than I would want, I end up with test results that are not too great for patients. This makes me sad. But I understand that it is all part and parcel of the work.

6. How do you handle conflict in the workplace?

I usually work solo, so conflicting situations are few and far between. When they do occur, I concentrate on resolving the issue immediately before it can affect my work.

7. How do you handle delays in your work?

I am an extremely organized individual, so delays are not such a huge issue. However, sometimes delays are inevitable, and I anticipate them beforehand.

8. What is your greatest strength?

My greatest strength is my ability to be accurate with all my test results.

9. What is your greatest weakness?

My greatest weakness is my inability to stop work even when I know that my shift is over.

10. Describe your perfect work environment.

I love working in environments that are highly challenging, and conducive to learning and growth.

11. Have you ever worked in a perfect environment?

While everyone wants to work in perfect environments all the time, it is almost impossible to work in one. But I have worked in near-perfect ones, and the experience has been great.

12. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you rate the accuracy of your work?

I rate accuracy at an 11. This is because accuracy in my work has to be more than 100%.

13. What is your take on patient confidentiality?

I feel that patient confidentiality needs to be taken into account constantly. I make sure that all my files and records are protected properly.

14. How do you ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of lab equipment?

I have great checks placed which make it easy for me to ensure constant cleanliness, calibration, and maintenance of the lab equipment issued to me.

15. Do you mind working extra hours when work requires it?

No, I do not mind going the extra mile to work when it is required.

16. Tell us of a time when you did something well beyond the call of duty.

I was once testing a tissue sample to determine forensic evidence. Initially, there was nothing outstanding about the sample, and I wrote a report saying as much. However, I was a bit uneasy about the report as I was sure that there had to be something unusual about it. So, I spent an entire night retesting the sample and unearthed evidence that made it possible for the police to nab the offender.

17. What is your experience with logs and records maintenance?

I am highly experienced in handling logs and records. I make sure that a proper system is set in place, and that all the information is properly logged into it.

18. Do you have any problems working under supervision?

I feel that all medical technologists should work under supervision. This makes it easier when guidance is needed and eliminates the chances of mistakes.

19. How do you maintain a clean and safe work environment?

I follow all cleanliness, and maintenance protocols to ensure that the work environment remains safe at all times.

20. When can you join us if we decide to hire you?

My present workplace has a strict 45-day notice policy. I will be able to join you within 45 days of handing in my notice.

21. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I see myself working on forensic evidence, which is my prime area of interest.

22. Do you have any questions for me?

I am interested in knowing about the kind of equipment you use to perform lab tests.

What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers sample?

Top 10 Interview Questions and Best Answers.
Tell Me About Yourself. ... .
Why Are You the Best Person for the Job? ... .
Why Do You Want This Job? ... .
How Has Your Experience Prepared You for This Role? ... .
Why Are You Leaving (or Have Left) Your Job? ... .
What Is Your Greatest Strength? ... .
What Is Your Greatest Weakness?.

What is your strength as a medical technologist?

All medical technologists have certain common characteristics. They are problem solvers. They like challenge and responsibility. They are accurate, reliable, work well under pressure and are able to finish a task once started.

What do I need to know for a lab tech interview?

Questions about experience and background.
What lab equipment do you have experience using?.
What steps do you take to avoid contamination?.
What were your previous responsibilities in a lab setting?.
What sterilization methods are you familiar with? ... .
What is your approach to working with large sets of data?.

How do I interview a medical technologist?

Medical Technologist Interview Questions.
What types of medical equipment and tools do you know how to use and maintain? ... .
What types of medical software or technology have you used in order to document your work? ... .
What types of patient care procedures or tests are you able to perform?.