Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis

In most cases, insurance companies do not cover laser hair removal because it’s considered a safe cosmetic treatment that has no dangerous effect on your health or life-threatening risk. 

The insurance company may partially or fully cover laser hair removal in rare cases where it is medically necessary due to a health condition that causes excessive hair growth. 

It can only be possible when your doctor appeal on your behalf to the insurance company regarding your health status.

However, this occurred in rare cases. 

You can get homiley beauty rose IPL, an at-home hair removal device that is safe and easy to use.

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis

Long lasting hair removal 

In 4-8 weeks hair completely gone

No more endless waxing or shaving

Applicable for all gender & Skin color

It doesn't cause damage, pain, or burn on the skin

Can insurance cover laser hair removal for PCOS?

Yes. PCOS is a hormonal change in women whose ovaries produce an abnormal androgen level.

It needs medical attention; you may get insurance coverage in most cases. 

You may not get insurance help in some cases because they consider it a minor issue. 

Therefore, there is no guarantee that insurance will definitely cover your laser treatment if you’re suffering from PCOS.

I recommend getting an IPL, which is affordable for your laser treatment at home.

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a medical condition where women have thick dark hair on their neck, face, tummy, legs, buttock, etc. Since 

It is a health-related issue; you may get insurance coverage.

Though, this skin condition can be prevented and treated by removing unwanted hair from your body and controlling your hormone level.

Laser hair removal is a renowned, safe, and effective cosmetic procedure to eliminate these skin germs.

However, the insurance company will only assure assistance to a risky skin disorder. 

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis?

It is not certain that health insurance will cover your laser hair removal for hidradenitis treatment. 

You are advised to maintain your skin as much as possible to avoid such skin problems; removing unwanted hair from your skin is one way to prevent some of these skin conditions.

Medical experts recommend hair removal instruments like lasers devices to have effectively kill bacteria causing hidradenitis. 

The device removed unwanted hair by using beam light to destroy the follicle and also treating other skin bacteria from their root. 

You are advised to get an at-home hair removal IPL handset to reduce your costs of going for expensive laser treatment in the clinic, which would make you seek insurance help. 

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for ingrown hairs? 

The answer is no. health Insurance companies consider laser hair removal for ingrown hair a cosmetic procedure, so they do not cover your treatments. 

However, most people seek insurance help because of the high costs of laser treatment at the clinic and saloons. 

You can get a homiley ipl handset for an affordable price. 

This at-home IPL hair removal handset will get rid of ingrown hair with just 4-8 treatment sessions and give you long-lasting results.

Does insurance cover laser hair removal for folliculitis?

Yes. You are getting health insurance coverage for folliculitis. If your doctor advocates for you, then that could be possible. 

To increase the chance of having approval, your medical professional must be knowledgeable and in the most vital position to present your case compelling to the insurance company. 

Note that insurance will only cover your laser hair removal treatment for folliculitis when it is done in the clinic. 

For laser done in spas, medspas and estheticians cannot be covered by health insurance companies. 

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for pilonidal cysts?

No. they will not cover for pilonidal cysts treatment. 

Your health insurance may cover other critical health-related therapies, but you shouldn’t expect them to pay for the costs of laser hair removal, which they consider mere skin maintenance. 

So you go for more affordable IPL hair removal treatments for pilonidal cysts skin bacteria.

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis

When will insurance cover laser hair removal?

A health insurance company will only provide coverage for the cost of your laser hair removal when your doctor provides the insurance company with a valid reason or other health complications regarding your hair treatment.

Does insurance pay for laser hair removal?

No. the insurance company will not pay for hair removal. Since laser hair removal came into existence, no life-threatening cases have been recorded.

However, on rare occasions, they might pay for the cost of your laser hair removal when the patient has health complicated problems. 

How do I know I am eligible for insurance cover?

To ensure that you are eligible for insurance coverage when planning to do your laser hair removal, the following will help you;

1. If you have complicated health issues associated with hair growth.

2. You need to re-read and review your insurance policy.

3. You should contact your insurance care provider.

Will insurance cover laser hair removal for hidradenitis

Long lasting hair removal 

In 4-8 weeks hair completely gone

No more endless waxing or shaving

Applicable for all gender & Skin color

It doesn't cause damage, pain, or burn on the skin

Why will a doctor have to appeal to an insurance company on your behalf?

In delicate matters regarding your unwanted hair removal, your medical personnel is in the proper position to provide valid reasons to the insurance company why you needed to be covered. 

You can only be assured of this assistance in rare cases, depending on your relationship with your doctor and how he presented your case before the insurance company.

In addition to this, excessive hair growth in unwanted parts of the body could cause more physical harm. 

So if your doctor advocates for you, insurance might work in your favor.

Ways to get an insurance company to cover for laser hair removal treatment

These are the simple way to get your insurance company to cover your laser treatments costs;

  • Your doctor needs to advocate on your behalf.
  • There must be a valid reason concerning your health complications.
  • Your medical expert must be compelling to the insurance company.
  • You must be patient because health insurance will do their investigations before giving you their assistance. 


You will only get insurance coverage for complicated health issues.

Hence, the insurance company will only cover laser hair removal for people with complicated health issues. 

So if you are planning to get laser hair removal treatment covered by insurance, you should consult with your medical personnel first before heading to your insurance provider. 

In summary of the article, though laser hair removal treatment cannot be directly assured of the insurance benefit, one could benefit from it differently.

However, most insurance companies believe laser devices are free from life-threatening risks.

Ensure your doctor examines your health, and he agrees to advocate for you; if not, you won’t get insurance help. 

We would advise you homiley Intense pulsed light therapy for hair removal treatment. 

The homiley beauty rose IPL handset is light-based and uses different wavelengths to destroy unwanted hair roots and any forming bacteria in the skin. 

It will keep your skin healthy and smooth. 


What you should know about laser hair removal versus electrolysis.


Does Laser Hair Removal Treat Hidradenitis 


Removing hair safely. (2017, November 29)


What is electrolysis? Retrieved from


Is laser good for hidradenitis suppurativa?

Laser therapy. Laser hair removal can help hidradenitis suppurativa in early stages.

How do I get rid of hidradenitis suppurativa hair?

Shaving and waxing where you have sores or a breakout will further irritate your skin. Some people with HS use electric clippers to trim underarm hair instead of using a razor. For a more long-term hair removal technique, laser hair removal may be an option with additional benefits.

How I cured my hidradenitis suppurativa?

There's no known cure for HS, but treatment can help prevent flare-ups and stop disease progression. There are many options for treating HS naturally, including making dietary changes, supplementing with turmeric and zinc, taking Epsom salt baths, and making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, among more.

Is IPL good for hidradenitis suppurativa?

Conclusion: IPL hair removal resulted in a significant reduction on MSS on the treated area with no significant reduction on the control side. Our study suggests that IPL may be an effective treatment for mild-to-moderate HS.