Any two cards poker league standings

Tournaments for the Summer 2016 Season will consist of No Limit Texas Hold'em.  Before each nightly tournament will be a pre-game "Bonus Game".  Bonus games will include Ro-Sham-Bo, Cut-The-Deck, Liar's Dice, etc. and are described below.

The Summer 2016 Season will consist of 10 regular tournaments and 1 Tournament of Champions.  

Each weekly Tournament buy-in will be $15.  $5 will go towards the nightly tournament and $5 will go to the Tournament of Champions prize pool which will be held at the conclusion of the season, $2 will go towards the "Bad Beat Jackpot", and $3 each night will be awarded as a High Hand Jackpot.

Players who participate in at least 2 regular season tournaments will earn free admission into the Tournament of Champions.  Players who attend less than 2 regular season tournaments may buy-in to the Tournament of Champions for $30 but will only receive 10000 in chips.

League Structure

The following format will be used to determine starting stacks for the Tournament of Champions.

1.  One Tournament will be held nightly. 

2.  Points will be awarded based on finishing place as follows: (except for Cinch and Head's Up Tournaments- see below) 
     ~First out 1pt 
     ~Second out 2pts 
     ~Thrid out 3pts 
     ~Winner recieves Xpts, where X equals the number of players who bought in, plus
1 (one) bonus point 

3.  One-half point [.5] will be awarded for knocking another player out of a tournament

4.  The player who knocks out the previous tournaments winner will be awarded 1 (one) bonus point (1.5 total). 
     ~If the previous weeks winner is not knocked out no points are awarded. 

5. In the event of an absent the following rules will apply:

        a.  Players that commit to attend will receive a full chipstack and be blinded out for the first two levels.                     b. Players will be penalized 1 point for each player that is knocked out before they take their seat.

        c.  After the first 2 levels if the player has not taken their seat their chips will be removed from play.

6.  Tournament of Champions starting stack will be T10,000 chips and players will earn an additional T1000 chips for every point they earn through the regular season tournaments.

Bad Beat Jackpot Rules

1.  In order to qualify for the Bad Beat Jackpot a player must lose with a hand that is at least a full house of Jacks over 5's (JJJ55)

2.  There will only be one BBJ paid out each night.  If a second player loses after the BBJ has already been paid out they have are out of luck and have suffered "another bad beat"... sorry.

High Hand Jackpot Rules

1.  In order to qualify for the High Hand Jackpot a player must have a hand better than two pair that is the highest value hand for that night.

2. There will only be one HHJ paid out each night. A player need not be present at the end of the tournament to earn the jackpot (meaning a player may have the High Hand with Quad 2's and get knocked out the very next hand with players still in the tournament and then they leave for the night- the money will be kept on premises until they play in the next tournament).

Rules and Regulations:  Basic Rules of poker that will be followed are...

NO SPLASHING THE POT.  Place your bet in front of you and after all betting is complete the dealer will pull all bets into the pot.

NO DIGGING IN THE MUCK.  Once cards touch the muck they are dead.




ALL TABLES WILL USE THE “SHUFFLE BEHIND” METHOD FOR SHUFFLING AND CUTTING THE DECK BEFORE DEALING. Knocking the deck is NOT allowed.  Henceforth known as the "Boyer Rule" (name changed added 5/24).

NO STRING BETS.   Placing a bet and then reaching back to your stack to get more chips is a string bet.  The only time this is allowed is if the bettor announces his action, i.e. “call” or “raise” then they can go back to their stack for more chips.

RAISES MUST BE IN MULTIPLES OF THE BIG BLIND, OR MULTIPLES OF THE PREVIOUS BET.  i.e. if the Big Blind is 25, a raise must be at least a bet of 50, if another player raises 60 more (total of 85 [25+60]), then the next raise must be at least 145 (25+60+60)

ROBERT’S RULES OF POKER WILL ADDRESS ANY SITUATIONS NOT COVERED IN THESE RULES.  In the event that a situation cannot be solved by referring to Robert’s Rules they will be handled as fairly as possibly by the event official or a third party not affected by the outcome of the decision.


Rock, Paper, Scissors played with a double elimination bracket

Lair's Dice

6 Dice and a Box, Players take turns shaking the box and beating the previous shake, or attempting to bluff, a player is out after 4 "losses" or called bluffs, 1's are wild and the best hand is five 6's (either natural or wild)


Using 2 normal dice players will pair up and roll dice and the highest roll wins, after a best of 5 winner is found the winner will find another winner and play will continue until only one player remains

Cut the Deck

Using a standard 52 card deck, players will play in groups of 3 and draw cards and the "High Card" each round wins, and the low card is out, and then the two remaining players will regroup with another player, play continues until only one player remains

Indian Poker

Using a standard 52 card deck, each player will be dealt 2 cards and will play in a hold'em hand with their hole cards on their forehead, after all players have seen the other players hands they determine if they are in or out, folding does not mean you are out, after players fold or stay the flop is dealt, players can then fold or stay, and play continues for the Turn, and River.  After seeing the river all players show their cards and the winning player stays in and the losing players are out of the game (not players who folded).  If at any time a player goes all in AND wins then they win the entire game.  Play will continue until two players remain and then they are both ALL IN and the winner of that hand wins the bonus game.

Pass the Pigs

A dice game where players roll pig shaped dice, first player to 50 points wins

Any two cards poker league standings

L-R-C a.k.a. Left-Right-Center

A dice game where every player starts with 3 chips and then rolls a die for each chip they still have, the results of the dice roll are either Left, Right, Center, or Blank and the player will pass their chips accordingly, chips passed to the middle are out of play, players are not out of the game completely until the end of game when only one player has at least 1 chip


A dice game where players roll 6 dice and try to get to 3000 points using the scoring guidelines below, failing to score points on a roll is called a "farkle" which ends the player's turn

Any two cards poker league standings


Its the dice game... not the comment everyone says when the flop comes out... 

Screw Your Neighbor

Using a standard 52 card deck, each player will start with 3 chips and will be dealt 1 card face down, then all players will argue about which version of Screw Your Neighbor is being played, once that is settled play will continue until someone plays by a different rule and the arguing will resume until everyone is finally clear on which version of the game is being played, a winner is declared when only one player has chips remaining.

Regular Season Texas Hold'em Events

Tournament Structure-

Weekends: T10,000 starting stack

Thursday Nights: T5000 starting stack

Any two cards poker league standings

Payouts:  All money collected from buy-in will be returned as prizes.

Payout Schedule determined by number of players and is listed on the League Standings Spreadsheet. 

Regular Season HORSE Tournament 

Tournament Structure-

T10,000 starting stack

HORSE is an anacronym for each of the games played during this tournmanet: Hold'em, Omaha High/Low, Razz, Stud, and Stud Eight or Better.  All games will be Limit games.

The following general rules will be used for each of the non-hold'em games.

  • Omaha High/Low- Split pot game where a player uses any combination of two holecards and three board cards for the high hand and another (or the same) combination of for the low hand.  A qualifier of 8-or-better for low is used.  This means to win the low half of the pot a player's hand at showdown must have five cards of different rank that are an eight or lower in rank (Ace can be high or low). If there is no qualifying hand for low, the best high hand wins the whole pot.  Straights and flushes do not count against a low hand, so the best low hand is 5-4-3-2-A (suited or unsuited).
  • Razz- Lowest ranking hand wins the pot.  Aces are low only, and two aces are the lowest pair.  The high card is required to make the forced bet on the first round (the bring in), and the low hand acts first on all subsequent rounds.  Straights and flushes do not count so the best hand is 5-4-3-2-A (suited or unsuited), and an open pair does not affect the betting limit.  The low limit bet is used on third and fourth street and the upper limit bet is used on subsequent streets.  For this game the dealer will also post an ante which is a dead bet.
  • Stud- High only game where the lowest upcard by suit ante's the forced bet (the bring in) or may make the full bet, players may call the bring in or complete the bet by betting the lower betting limit.  This lower betting limit is used on third and fourth streets, and the higher betting limit is used on subsequent streets.  The highest ranking hand on each street initiates the betting round (in the case of a tie the player who recieved the tied cards first acts first).  When an open pair is showing on fourth street (the second upcard) any player may bet either the lower or upper limit.  The dealer will burn a card before each street, if on the last street there are not enough cards the remaining cards are scrambled with the burn cards, cut, and then dealt using the last card if necessary.  If the dealer determines that there are not enough cards remaining a common card, after burning a card, will be placed face up and plays in everyone's hand. For this game the dealer will also post an ante which is a dead bet.
  • Stud Eight-or-Better- A split pot game where the qualifying low hand must be 8-or-better, if there is no qualifier for low, the best high hand wins the whole pot.  Low card by suit initiates the action on the first round, high hand leads on all subsequent rounds.  Other stud rules also apply to this game.
  • Explanation of Stud Game Related Bets-

    Dealer Ante:  Dead Bet placed by the dealer

    Small Bet: bet amount used on the deal, fourth, and fifth street

    Big Bet: bet amount used on sixth and seventh street (last two cards)

    Game type will be posted on the computer and on cards at each table.

    Payouts:  All money collected from buy-in will be returned as prizes.

    Payout Schedule determined by number of players and is listed on the League Standings Spreadsheet.

    Regular Season Cinch Tournament

    Tournament Structure- Partner format

    $12 Buy in: $7 for that game, $5 for the League.

    Draw for partners at the event.

    Tournament will be double elimination format*.

    Payout for top 3 teams: 1st: 50% / 2nd: 30% / 3rd: 20%

    League Points will be awarded as follows:

       -Every participant will recieve 2pts for entering the tournament

        -Each member earns 1pt for each match their team wins

        -Teams are awarded points by place

            ~Last 1pt

            ~2nd to last 2pts


    *If there are less than 8 teams a Round Robin format will be used where each team will play all of the other teams and top three teams will be determined by total points scored during all games.


    Tournament Structure- Singles format

    $12 Buy in: $7 for that game, $5 for the League.

    Tournament will be round robin format and each player will record the score earned by their team for each game.

    Payout for top 3 players: 1st: 50% / 2nd: 30% / 3rd: 20%

    League Points will be awarded as follows:

    ~Lowest point scorer earns 1pt

        ~Second Lowest point scorer earns 2pts


    -The tournament winner will earn an additional 2pts

    Regular Season Head's Up No Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament

    Tournament Structure-

    This tournament will be a double elimination tournament played out using an eight man bracket.  If less than eight players participate there will be a Round Robin Format used instead.  The website will be used to create and monitor this event, as well as the Tournament Director software which will provide the timer for all games being played.

    League Points will be awarded as follows:

        -Every participant will recieve 2pts for entering the tournament

        -Each member earns 1pt for each match they win

        -The winner of the Tournament will earn an additional 5pts

    Payouts:  All money collected from buy-in will be returned as prizes.

    Payout Schedule determined by number of players and is listed on the League Standings Spreadsheet.

    Tournament of Champions Event

    Tournament Structure-

    Starting stacks determined by points earned during regular season events.


    1st: 45%

    2nd: 25%

    3rd: 15%

    4th: 10%

    5th: 5%